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Migraines Aren't Normal: Here's How To Stop Them

Migraines feel like debilitating headaches combined with nausea. They can knock you out for days, stopping you from working or doing anything other than lying in a dark, quiet room. 

Unfortunately, science still doesn’t have a particularly good handle on what migraines actually are, partly because they seem to vary so much from person to person. 

The trick for avoiding them is to identify your personal triggers and then take action. 

When You Get A Migraine, Consider What Might Have Changed

Most people can stop the majority of migraines by identifying their “triggers.” These are things in the environment that cause migraines to develop. 

Your personal triggers will be different from other people’s. However, researchers have identified a range of core triggers most likely to affect people. This includes experiencing bouts of stress, certain foods, and drinks, fatigue, vigorous exercise, fasting, changes in the weather, and smoking. Some people also get migraines after eating various types of food and drink, like chocolate and red wine. 

If you get a migraine, also check your caffeine habits. Kicking your tea and coffee habit might drive up migraine incidence. 

Keep Your Energy Levels High

Fasting and skipping meals are both common causes of migraines. When the body doesn’t get the nutrients that it expects at a certain time, it changes body chemistry.

Avoid allowing yourself to go hungry. Also, make sure that you remain properly hydrated throughout the day. A lack of food can also lead to lower water and electrolyte levels in the body. 

Steer Clear Of Foods With High Tyramine Content

Certain foods high in tyramine appear to strongly correlate with migraines, whereas others don’t. Chianti wine, soy, smoked fish, and blue cheeses are all high in the compound, which may be a trigger for some. 

Keep Your Stress Levels To A Minimum

You may also notice that severe migraines develop after episodes of acute stress. Perhaps an ex has texted you accused of cheating or your boss is complaining about your work. 

If possible, try to avoid stressful situations. Or, better yet, change the way you deal with stress. If something bad happens, don’t let it in. Reserve your right to feel good, regardless of your external situation. 

Get Professional Help

Professional healthcare providers can provide insights on why you keep getting migraines. Therefore, you may want to visit a chiropractor to see whether head or neck issues are the cause. For some people, problems with the way energy flows through the body are the root cause. 

Don’t Overdo Exercise

While exercise is good for you, overdoing it may actually be bad for the body. That’s because there is a limit to the rate at which it can adapt to stimulus. 

Try to reduce the amount of exercise that you do, particularly the intensity, if you find yourself getting regular migraines soon afterward. If you are worried about your fitness, speak to your doctor about the types of physical activity they would recommend for people with migraines. This way, you can balance overall health with the need to avoid migraines. 

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