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Little Things That Could Help You to Live Longer

Our life expectancy isn’t something that many of us give much thought. We might hear occasional stories on the news about the average life expectancy rising or falling, or about how life expectancy differs between groups and countries. But, we give little thought to where our own outlook fits in. Especially when we are young. We might vaguely assume that we’ll live to be around 80, without giving it too much thought. At the same time, we think of that vague number we’ve got in mind as being very old. We think of old people nearing the end of their lives as elderly. Perhaps sat in their chair or unable to move about much.

But, it doesn’t have to be like that. Making tiny changes to your lifestyle won’t just increase your life expectancy. It can also improve the quality of your life. You won’t be sat, old, in your chair. You’ll be out living your life. Your old age will be fun and exciting, not filled with the woes of age. Here are some of the little things that you can do to help yourself to live a longer and healthier life.


Exercise has so many benefits to your physical and mental health. It can help to boost your circulation. It can improve your mental health and decrease your stress levels. It can lower your heart rate, reduce your blood pressure, help you to maintain a healthy weight and so much more. All of which can have a positive effect on your life expectancy.

To have the best effects, you’ll want to start a regular fitness regime. But, that’s not exactly a little thing if you’re new to exercise. Instead, walk. Instead of driving, or taking the train, walk more. Walk every distance that you can manage and aim for at least 10000 steps a day.  

See Your Doctor

So many of us avoid going to the doctor for regular checkups or routine tests. Even when we are worried about our symptoms, we stay away. This could drastically affect your life expectancy. So, look after your health with a visit to your GP, the urology department, a mental health specialist or a gynecologist when you need to. Don’t put it off.

Turn Your Phone Off

Smartphones have many, many advantages, and they’ve changed near enough every element of our lifestyle. But, they can hurt your health. Spending to much time on your phone can lead to high stress levels, high blood pressure, poor eyesight, difficulty sleeping, and obesity. It can have a negative effect on our relationships and our confidence. So, turn off your phone for a few hours every night and spend some time relaxing, or out moving, instead.

Go on Holiday

When was the last time that you went on holiday? So many of us are owed vacation days and haven’t been away for years. Going on vacation is one of the more fun things that you can do that will help you to live longer. As long as you do it properly, get some rest, have some fun, bond with your family and leave your worries at home.

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