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Life After a Workplace Injury

No one wants to imagine what life would be like if they ever sustained a life-changing injury at work, but the sad truth is that it happens to thousands of Americans each year. For the most part, workplace injuries are accidental.

The causes can be down to human error from the injured people, but there are times where employers are accountable due to reasons of negligence. Whatever the cause, the results of life-changing injuries are often the same for most people: they can’t do their jobs again.

If you experienced a life-changing accident at work, you’re undoubtedly feeling anxious about your future. You’re probably wondering how you can continue providing for your family and whether you’ll even be able to work again.

With that in mind, here’s what to consider and expect in your life after a workplace accident turns your world upside-down:

Care and Support

The first thing you need to think about is your rehabilitation. You may need a little or a lot of care and support, depending on how debilitating you’ve become due to your workplace accident.

Some people may require a few months of rehabilitation to return to a pre-accident state, while for others, the injury’s effects could be longer-term or even permanent. Regardless of the rehabilitation length, you’ll need to consider what care and support you’ll need.

You’ll also need to figure out how to pay for any care and support you need. For example, you might need physiotherapy, or you may need surgery to correct the damage caused by your workplace accident.

Engaging with an established personal injury law firm might be a good way of recovering the cost you’ll need to bear for your rehabilitation, as your employer will likely be liable for your injuries.

Future Employment

If you’ve got a lot of savings that you’ve put aside over the years, you will probably need to draw on them to pay for your monthly expenses. Some employers may lay off staff that can no longer perform their duties due to their workplace accident, as wrong as it sounds.

As you can imagine, you can’t just live without any money - especially if you’ve got a family you need to support. Aside from any legal action you take against your employer, you’ll need to think about your financial future as your savings won’t last forever.

If you can’t continue doing the type of work you’ve done so far, but you’re still capable of doing some work, you may need to think about a different career choice. For example, you may need to consider office-based work if you’ve done a physically demanding job.

It’s also possible to study from home or at a local educational facility if you want to retrain and learn a new trade. The good news is, there are plenty of employment possibilities open to you.

You may even consider setting up a business and working from home if there’s another skill or vocation you can put to use without damaging your rehabilitation process. There are many options available to you; it just depends on which one will be most suitable for your needs.

Changes to Your Home

Some people might find they have to get specific changes or adaptions made to their homes if their injuries limit what they can do at home. For example, if you’ve sustained a leg injury, you might find it painful to get in and out of a bathtub; a shower could make your life easier.

You may even find that having a few simple changes done, like clearing any obstacles out of the way of hallways or rooms, can make it easier to balance yourself when walking if you need a walking aid.

The adaptions you make to your home can significantly improve your rehabilitation, so it’s worth looking at how you can get those changes made. If money’s an issue, you might be able to get funding via local, state, or federal grants.

Of course, you should still consider the legal route with your employer as if they’re negligible and responsible for your accident, they will have to cover those costs.

Final Thoughts

Sustaining an injury at work can cause all kinds of problems for you, especially your financial future. It’s essential you seek out the right help, rehabilitation, and advice to help you recover from the situation.

The above tips and considerations will help you on your journey. It’s important you remember that you’re not alone and that there’s always help and support out there for you.

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