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Is It Worth Moving Belongings to Another Country?

People move abroad for many different reasons. It could be to live near friends or family, or for work purposes. Some people are simply fulfilling their dream of a better quality of life, slower pace, and beautiful scenery. 

One issue such people will face early on relates to how much they should bring with them. They may own lots of relatively new furniture or recently acquired white goods. Added to that are a host of personal possessions to consider. So, is it worth bringing things with you to the new destination? We will discuss this right now.

Yes - If You Take The Right Advice 

Whilst a person may have never moved abroad before, they are in good company. Many people have previously done so, and multitudes more will do so in the future. Fortunately, some businesses have valuable experience in this area, who can assist with the transition. 

Let’s take moving to Australia as an example. After all, in the last decade, twice as many people have arrived as have left the country. During that time the number of migrants has increased by 28%, amounting to 508,000 new moves to Australia. Many people’s first steps begin on the internet. If anyone checked out, they would see that people are actively seeking instant quotes, and access to online FAQs and shipping cost guides. People clearly find the transition less stressful when they are able to discover the door to door shipping services that can help with the documentation and customs requirements. 

A chat upfront with a moving company can provide valuable information about what to bring and what to give away or resell at home. In addition to specialized advice for specific countries, many of these companies offer worldwide shipping services that are designed to cater to a broad array of needs across different continents. Whether moving to Europe, Asia, or the Americas, the expertise and resources provided ensure that personal belongings arrive safely and efficiently.

Yes - If You Are Wise Regarding Finance

Whether someone needs a painter and decorator or an international moving company, the rule remains the same: always get three quotes first. Check for hidden fees or additional costs, so you can ensure the company’s services are within your budget - and that you will receive great value for money.

It’s important to research the cost of your household items in the country to which you are moving. With such things as white goods, it is often cheaper to buy abroad than to transport them. Item weight can be one of the key cost considerations, as well as size. It’s also true that different countries have different voltages and plugs, so some electrical items may be difficult to use abroad anyway. 

Yes - If Something Has Sentimental Or Antique Value 

If a person has a family heirloom, it’s not something that can be swapped ‘like for like’. A price can’t be put upon such things, be it furniture or jewelry. When something has been handed down the generations or was given by a deceased relative, it may be priceless to you. 

Sadly there is always the chance that things can become damaged whilst being transported abroad. Some people may consider leaving such items with a close relative or putting them in storage ready for a future return to their home country. 

Yes - If You Take Out Adequate Insurance

If a moving company provides a packing service, they will be liable for any damage the items sustain in transit. Anyone who does their own packing will have no such peace of mind. Imagine a person’s life possessions being shaken during a storm on the sea, or being badly handled by impatient customs staff. 

Many companies that move peoples’ possessions offer different types of insurance. There may be different prices and therefore, different levels of cover. In some cases, people take out insurance elsewhere or check whether their home insurance covers such transitions. 

It’s Your Decision Regarding Pets

All countries seek to protect themselves from incoming pets that could have infectious diseases. As a result, it can be expensive and complex to enable your favorite animal to come with you. You will need to cover such aspects as permits, veterinary health certificates, vaccinations, and quarantine periods. 

Anyone who wishes to travel with their pet by airplane will also need to check out the airline’s rules. They may or may not be able to travel under your chair, and their health could be at risk should they be placed somewhere different. 

Anyone who seeks to move abroad will need to research such things as import duties and regulations. There may also be tax-free time windows and visa regulations to consider. The best advice is to downsize your belongings and to separate the disposable from the sentimental. Let moving companies help you and be aware that not everything may arrive intact.

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