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Indoor Garden Ideas Even the Busiest New Yorker Can Manage

If you love getting your hands dirty through gardening but feel restricted by the small space of a city apartment, there is a solution to your restrictions in indoor gardening.

You only need to get creative and find ideas that can help you transform your cramped living quarter into a thriving plant oasis that will brighten up any room. 

This article highlights ideas for indoor gardening that will suit your busy New York living, so keep reading to learn how you can incorporate gardening into your small space and busy urban schedule. 

Why Indoor Gardening Is a Good Idea

If you were brought up in an upcountry setting or in a spacious city, interacting with nature may have been a huge part of your life. So the city's busy life can leave you feeling like you have lost something. 

You may not need much convincing about planting an indoor garden if you are such a person. But for those that need a little convincing, having an indoor garden helps add a fresh and exciting aesthetic to any space. Besides, these gardens have immense health benefits beyond just looks.

Scientific studies have also shown a link between interacting with nature and soil, reducing stress levels, and promoting mental and emotional wellness. Additionally, you get clean air and can make significant savings by growing your own herbs and veggies.

Ideas for Indoor Gardens

Vertical Gardens

Vertical gardens are the best way to maximize surface space, allowing you to get the most out of your indoor gardening experience even when you have limited space. You can build the most basic vertical garden by attaching planters to vertical structures such as walls or sturdy stands on your balcony or next to your windows to ensure that they get maximum light.

If you have some cash to spare, you can invest in an elaborate system with irrigation and lighting or go for an autonomous option that requires minimal upkeep. 


Terrariums are the perfect solution for anyone looking to escape their small spaces or a busy lifestyle. These sealed, miniature ecosystems can be created in almost any container. Often plants such as ferns, succulents, mosses, and others that thrive in humid environments are best for terrariums. 

Creating your terrarium is easy. You will only need a clear container, the right soil, and a few rocks and pebbles to create the perfect environment. Just remember to water occasionally, but don't drown your plants. That means you must tailor your terrarium's humidity and watering needs to individual plants.

Water Gardens

If you want a different gardening experience, leave the soil behind and create a lush and tranquil paradise right in your home by building a water garden. You can start by covering the container's surface with gravel, introducing aquatic plants, and filling it up with water.

If you love pets, you may want to consider throwing some fish into the garden. Don't forget the finishing touch of twinkling lights for added ambiance. The beauty of water gardens lies in their simplicity--they require hardly any upkeep, making them perfect for anyone with a busy schedule. 

Not only will your water garden bring aesthetic appeal to your home, but the plants will also purify the air

Funding Your Indoor Garden Project

Your indoor garden project doesn't have to be expensive. But some projects, such as elaborate vertical gardens and large water gardens, can be expensive, so you must identify your funding source. The first option for funding your project from out-of-pocket cash.

If you do not have that kind of money lying around, you can consider getting a home equity-backed loan. However, before your loan application, you will want to calculate home loan payments using an online home loan calculator to understand whether you can manage to repay the funds you wish to borrow.

Final Words

There’s no denying that an indoor garden goes beyond the aesthetic appeal to offer many health benefits ranging from stress reduction to purifying the air. The possibilities are endless, and with proper planning and a little funding, you can have your dream garden that fits any New York schedule or space. 

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