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Improve Your Health With These Superfoods

Health is central to our wellbeing and the vast majority of us want to be as healthy as we possibly can be. Of course, this doesn’t come naturally. We have to put conscious effort into maintaining the best health possible. There are countless things that you can do to lead a healthy lifestyle, but a major factor in your overall health and wellbeing is your diet. The food you eat is the fuel you put into your body, so you want it to be the best quality possible. Of course, a balanced diet is an ideal to aim for. But there are a few superfoods that you could incorporate in too for extra benefits. Put simply, superfoods are foods that are particularly nutritionally dense and provide your body with significant and notable benefits. Here are just a few to try out.


Blueberries are one superfood you should definitely add to your list. They are packed with plenty of vitamins and minerals, phytochemicals and soluble fibre! Now, chances are you’ve had a blueberry or two before. So you may be aware that they can be eaten on their own. But there are more fun ways to incorporate them into your diet too. You can sprinkle them over porridge and oats, you can add them to granola, you can have them in a smoothie, or you can add them to yoghurts. If you’re looking to make a slightly less healthy treat a little more healthy, add blueberries to cakes and muffins!

Green Tea

Green tea has skyrocketed in popularity over recent years. This is a tea that is consumed without milk. It contains a whole host of bioactive compounds, such as catechins, which prevent cell damage in the body. You may need to get used to the slightly bitter taste of green tea before it grows on you. Alternatively, you can add sugar or honey.

There are plenty of superfood supplements out there - often in powder form - that can be scooped straight into a smoothie or other recipe. Take a look at green super foods for a good example. This is a simple way to add plenty of superfoods into your diet in one fell swoop. Make sure to follow the directions on the packaging to make sure you’re getting the right amount and preparing them in the right way. This will maximise your benefits!


Many seeds are packed with plenty of nutrients, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. They are simple to snack on and can be flavoured with spices and other additions to give them a little more flavour. Some seeds, such as flaxseeds, even provide plant based omega 3! Consider switching your crisps or other day to day snacks for seeds instead!

As you can see, superfoods are pretty accessible. You may even have been consuming some on a regular basis without even realising it. But hopefully, if you haven’t tried superfoods before, the above list will get your journey started out in the right direction!

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