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How to Thoroughly Clean Up Your Real Estate? 6 Amazing Hygiene-Based Tips to Know

Real estate can be a great investment, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Keeping your property clean and free from germs is one of the most important tasks you have as an owner or landlord. Cleanliness not only makes your space look better, but it also helps protect tenants and visitors from potential health risks associated with dirty environments. With that in mind, here are six amazing hygiene-based tips to help you thoroughly clean up your real estate property.

1) Start with a deep clean

Carpeting, upholstery, and other surfaces should be cleaned on a regular basis to keep them looking their best. Vacuum carpets and use an approved cleaning solution on any heavily soiled areas. If you have wood floors or tiles, make sure to mop them regularly to keep dirt and dust from accumulating. You can also call a professional service to come your way. If you live in NYC, for example, look for luxury cleaning services in Manhattan, New York, and schedule an appointment. Keep in mind that deep cleaning can be a time-consuming process, but it is essential for removing dirt and bacteria from your home.

2) Change air filters

Air filters in heating systems should be changed every few months to keep air quality high and improve the efficiency of heating and cooling systems. Dirty air filters can also lead to clogged vents which make the system run less efficiently.

Additionally, consider investing in an air purifier to help keep the air inside your home clean and fresh. Not to mention, air purifiers are great for removing dust, pet dander, and other airborne pollutants.

3) Clean bathrooms regularly

Bathroom areas should be cleaned at least once a week to prevent the growth of mold and mildew in damp, poorly ventilated spaces. This includes scrubbing tile surfaces and cleaning toilets with an approved disinfectant solution. Make sure to also use an antibacterial cleaner on faucets, showerheads, and other frequently used surfaces. And for tougher stains, use a heavy-duty cleaner such as bleach.

4) Sanitize kitchen appliances

Kitchen areas should be sanitized regularly to help reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. Start by cleaning countertops, cutting boards, and other food-preparation surfaces with a disinfecting solution. Additionally, don’t forget to clean the inside of your refrigerator and kitchen cabinets periodically. Empty out old food containers and throw away expired items to reduce contamination risks.

5) Dust furniture

Dust accumulates quickly in homes and can cause respiratory problems if not removed. Make sure to dust furniture and other surfaces on a weekly basis, including shelves, window sills, and bookcases. Use an electrostatic cloth to capture dust particles and vacuum upholstery to remove ground-in dirt.

6) Vacuum carpets regularly

Vacuuming carpets at least once a week helps remove dirt, dust, and other allergens from your home. Make sure to use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to improve air quality and reduce the number of dust particles in the air. Additionally, consider having carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year to remove deep-down dirt and debris.

7) Repaint for a Fresh Look

Periodically repainting walls, windows, and doors not only boosts the aesthetic appeal of your property but also serves as a protective measure against wear and tear. Choose high-quality, durable paint and use neutral colors to make the space appear larger and more inviting. If your real estate dates back to before 1978, consider the possibility of lead-based paint, which can pose serious health risks. It's crucial to hire certified professionals to remove or seal off any lead-based paint safely, thereby preventing lead dust exposure to occupants. Thankfully, you can easily find a company that specializes in lead removal in New York, so if you are in the area, make sure to hire them for the job. Not only will this ensure the safety of your tenants but also protect you from any legal liabilities.

By following these simple tips, you can help keep your real estate property clean and free from germs. Cleanliness makes your space look better, but more importantly, it helps in protecting tenants and visitors from potential health risks that are associated with dirty environments. So make sure to take the time to thoroughly clean up your real estate property to ensure a safe and healthy living environment for everyone.

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