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How To Stay Safe While Driving A Truck

Driving a truck is very dangerous and if you aren't careful, you can get yourself in serious trouble. The most important thing to do while driving a big rig is to be courteous and aware one hundred percent of the time. If you have taken it upon yourself to finally become an owner-operator driver, you should be aware that you are taking full responsibility for your personal safety as well as the safety of your cargo. No one else will be accountable if anything goes wrong, so you need to take care of yourself. Here are some tips that can help keep you safe while driving a truck.

Always have a lawyer on speed dial

Being a truck driver carries with it a certain amount of responsibility. If you are involved in an accident and someone is hurt or killed, then this will automatically make the situation even more complicated than it needs to be for you and your family. When involved in a truck accident you shouldn't even speak without your attorney by your side, as you may by accident say something that could potentially be used against you. That is why it is important to immediately speed dial a Jacksonville, NC truck accident lawyer who will help guide you through your legal troubles without falling into any traps set by those who want to take advantage of your misfortune for their own selfish financial gain. Also, it is advised that you immediately contact your insurance company too so that they can be prepared as well.

Have your cell phone by your side

Always have your cell phone on you with the ringer set to high. If anything goes wrong, you need to be able to call for help as soon as possible. Having an accident is only one possible reason why you might need to use it quickly. You can also have some kind of medical emergency if you are feeling sick or experiencing chest pain especially if you are alone on the road without another person around that can assist in any way shape or form. Either situation is definitely not something that should keep you from reaching for your phone, so make sure it's always within reach at all times.

However, you should keep in mind to never use it while you are driving. Doing so is against the law in most places, and it can be quite dangerous as well because you need to focus on the road while driving your truck. If you have a passenger that can reach for it if something goes wrong, then you can allow them to do so and they will call for help by pressing the correct buttons.

Try to avoid stopping at all costs

Even when you notice that your rig is overheating or having any other kind of mechanical issue, you should try not to stop your truck. Your engine will overheat quickly which will cause permanent damage if not addressed immediately, but beyond this immediate concern, there is also a very real danger of having an accident when pulling over on an interstate highway or some other busy street where many vehicles travel closely together side-by-side.

If you do happen to have a flat tire and the road is not busy, then it might be best to pull over and fix the tire because trying to drive with a flat will only make the problem worse and could cause an even more serious accident. However, once you reach this point where you realize that there is no choice but to stop, try doing so in a safe way like getting off at one of the exits and parking beside the ramp instead of driving up onto it. 

Always wear your seatbelt

Most of the time truck drivers are traveling long hours on the road which can get pretty boring. It is understandable how easy it is to forget about wearing a seat belt while driving for some reason. However, even if you don't realize it or perhaps forgot until now, this can still be extremely dangerous because there are very few things that will feel worse than being involved in an accident and then having to wonder why I didn't just put on my seatbelt when I had the chance? That said, they're usually cheap to replace and easily adjustable so there really isn't any excuse not to have it on unless the truck doesn't have one which is usually not the case, especially with modern trucks.

Get some rest

When you first sit down at the wheel of your truck it's easy to feel pretty comfortable enough to begin driving but this is often a bad idea because it takes more energy than people realize to keep their eyes on the road for any considerable period of time. Not only that, but doing so for too long puts you at risk of falling asleep which can also lead to hurting yourself or others if you drive erratically just before crashing into something or someone. Getting some sleep ahead of time or perhaps during breaks can be really helpful in making sure that this doesn't happen and that you don't end up feeling extremely tired later on when you reach your destination.

Being a truck driver is an extremely important and often stressful job that should never be taken for granted because this might end up costing you more than you could ever imagine. Try to keep in mind these tips so that you always stay safe and avoid accidents of any kind.

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