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How To Stay Comfortable While Working An Office Job

Working an office job requires you to sit for prolonged hours – at least for most jobs. If that's the case in your career, you need to be as comfortable as possible. And there are various ways in which you can achieve office comfort in your job.

It's just a few twitches here and there; you don't have to do any heavy lifting or change much. Being comfortable ensures that you don't suffer from long-term chronic body pains. Here are some of the tips you can use to stay comfortable while working an office job.

Don't Strain

When working an office job, the first thing you need to do is to ensure you don't strain – especially your eyes. It would be best if you were in a position where you can adequately see your screen. If you don't, you'll be forced to strain your eyes which may cause headaches. 

You then need to set the screen to see everything you're typing from where you are sited. Ideally, it would be best to sit in a position where your face is at least 20 inches from your screen. You also adjust your monitor's height if it isn't an adjustable one. 

Adjusting can be anything from stuffing the deck of the monitor with big books. You can also get a monitor riser stand ensuring that the top level of your screen is just below your eye level. You can also raise the chair if it's too low from the desk. But don't allow yourself to squint while reading from your screen. 

2. Use Lumbar Support

Several chairs are used today to ensure you don't experience back pains. But that may not be enough if you're looking for comfort in the office. You can opt to use lumbar support to keep your spine from curving. While in Singapore, you can quickly get cushions from any ergonomic office furniture dealer. This is where you go all out to shop for office seat cushions. Most of these cushions will offer you lumbar support and enhance comfort.

3. Use Headsets

If your job involves staying more than two hours on the phone, you need to get a pair of headsets. You shouldn't have your phone on your ears for more than 2 hours per day. And don't try to wedge your phone between your ears and your shoulders – this can cause neck pain. 

When you use a headset, your neck will be in the perfect posture throughout. This will help you averse the kind of long-term neck pain that comes when cradling your phone. Another reason you need a pair of headsets is that you can also type notes while on the phone. 

4. Don't Cross Your Legs

For some people, crossing their legs while seated comes up naturally, but you can't do that if you want to have comfort in the office. You can do that for a couple of minutes or hours, but do not prolong this sitting position. 

When you cross your legs when seated, first, you interfere with blood circulation. That can lead to long-term complications such as tissue and nerve damage. The best sitting position is when you have both your feet flat on the ground. 

While you sit, your shins should be at 90-degrees with your thighs. When you realize your legs are on the shorter side, you need to adjust your seat height. You can also have a footstool to rest your tootsies. This is so that you can have the proper alignment when seated. 

5. Avoid Laptop Keyboards

Laptops with their smaller size are pretty attractive but are less ergonomic as opposed to the full-size ones. When your work involves heavy typing, you need to get a full-size keyboard as they are convenient. You also have to look at the positioning of the keyboard when using the laptop.

With a laptop, it can be challenging as you won't only have to consider the keyboard's positioning but also the screen. In most scenarios, you have to sacrifice the keyboard positioning rather than the screen. If your job only uses laptops, you need to ensure that the screen is high enough. 

6. Take Breaks

It would be best to make it a habit while in the office to take breaks from the computer screen. Quickly start by looking away from the screen at least every half hour. Look away for at least 20 secs at anything else on your desk other than your screen. 

You can also opt to take breaks from the chair and stand for a while. Whether it is bathroom breaks or any other, they are pretty crucial for your eyes and your back. 

You can quickly get comfortable in the office if you use these above tips. You not only get comfortable but also avoid back and neck pains. You can also prevent headaches too with the measures.

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