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How to Set Up Your Own Webinar

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen a huge increase in the numbers of people who are signing up for webinars and different e-learning courses. As we are all adjusting to the new normal, it seems inevitable that remote learning is likely to be the future of education, and so there has never been a better time to take advantage of this trend and set up your own webinar. For those unfamiliar, it's helpful to start with a clear webinar definition to ensure you're approaching this educational format effectively. Unfortunately, however, with greater demand comes increased competition, and so whilst creating your own webinar is relatively simple, ensuring that it stands out from the crowd and provides you with a successful business is more difficult. The good news is that as long as you take the right steps, there are some amazing opportunities to share your knowledge and make some serious money.

Whether you are looking to move into a totally new job teaching online or you are hoping to supplement your income by teaching part-time, here are some useful tips for setting up your own webinar.

Identify Your Students 

The most important thing which any new business needs to consider is who their target customer is, and a new webinar is no different. Identifying your students will enable you to design a course which targets their needs and ensures that you are able to successfully recruit and provide a great student experience. It is important to analyze the learning styles and personality of potential students in order to custom design a webinar which will be both beneficial to your students and profitable for you. A clear idea of your students will also help you to make the right marketing and outreach decisions to ensure that you advertise your new webinar in the right places.

Choose the Best Platform to Host Your Webinar

Your platform is where you will host your webinar, upload course materials for download, and create a notice board and forum for your students to engage with you and each other. Choosing the right platform is absolutely key for creating a successful webinar and giving your students the best possible learning experience. Different platforms have various features and tools which may be useful for you and your students and in order to improve your webinar quality, it is important that you do thorough research to choose the best one for your webinar. Some of the best features to consider are ones which provide your students with various payment channels and which provide you with sophisticated tools to analyse student performance and progress.

Identify Your USP

Whilst webinars and e-learning in general are still a relatively new method of teaching, it is already increasingly popular and so the market is already very competitive. Unless you plan to teach something very niche, the likelihood is that there will be other webinars already offering the same subject as you are planning to teach. In order to stand out from this crowd, it is vital that you identify your unique selling point and create course material and an effective marketing strategy to communicate to potential students why your webinar is the best on the market. Content is key, and in order to deliver the best content anywhere online, it is really important that you do comprehensive market research to find out what is being offered elsewhere so that you can trump it. Look at what your competitors are offering, and even consider signing up for one of their courses to see what they do well and where you could improve on their courses.

Sell Yourself 

One of the most attractive USP’s may be that you are the most highly qualified teacher in your chosen subject. People are willing to spend big money if they feel like they are getting expert instruction so it is vital to sell yourself in all your marketing material. Make sure that all of your educational and professional credentials are clearly visible on your website, social media, and any other digital marketing tools which you use to promote your webinar. 

Offer a Limited Free Trial

People are naturally sceptical about trying new things, and particularly in a saturated market, they tend to go with what they know. One way to attract new students, and especially to lure students away from competitor webinars, is to offer a free trial. This will allow potential students to get a taste for your course so that they can see the benefits of studying with you rather than with one of your competitors. You can also offer free lessons for referrals as a way to reach new students through your existing ones.

With the new normal which we all find ourselves as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it seems very likely that online learning is only going to further increase in scope and importance. In order to take advantage of this burgeoning industry and capitalize on the huge numbers of people who are looking to learn something new, it is vital to set up a webinar which is the best in the field. Follow this guide and you will be well set to make some serious money and share your knowledge with the world. 

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