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How to Schedule Your Remote Workday for Maximum Productivity

With the onset of the pandemic, more people transitioned to telecommuting. Today, almost 30% of work gets done using remote workers.

Working from home has multiple perks. You get to avoid the stress of driving in rush hour traffic, save on fuel, and spend more time with loved ones. But if you have been fortunate enough to enjoy a remote working setup with your employer, you would have encountered some of its common drawbacks, too. 

Managing time productively is one of the most frequently raised concerns among telecommuters. After all, it is easier to get distracted when you are working in the comforts of your home. So, how can you schedule your remote workday for maximum productivity? And what kind of benefits can you expect? Let’s find out. 

Why Schedule Your Workday When Telecommuting?

For many, their home environment is not fully geared to support an optimum work output. The distractions are countless, and maintaining focus could be a struggle. You may, for instance, have kids walking in during Zoom meetings or pets that demand constant attention.

It could also be difficult to set boundaries for yourself when you are working from home. As a result, you could end up working long hours or during ad hoc times. This can be unhealthy and may lead to extreme burnout.

An effective schedule can help you avoid all these challenges. It will allow you to organize your work for optimum results, prepare ahead for your workday, and achieve more during work hours. In addition, you get to focus better and avoid stress and anxiety, not to mention the adverse physical effects of prolonged sitting, lack of exercise, and repetitive movements. 

Overall, you could become much more productive and enjoy better balance, with tremendous mental and physical health benefits.

Scheduling Your Remote Workday for Optimum Productivity

Here is our essential five-step guide to plan and schedule your workday to achieve maximum productivity while working from home.

1. Schedule chores

An important preliminary step for preparing an effective work schedule is to list down your daily chores and responsibilities. Often, these could interfere and distract you from providing the due attention your work demands.

Whether picking up laundry, dropping kids off at school, attending to your toddler, or fixing a tap, you need to treat these personal responsibilities the same way you would if you work from an office.

Ask for help and share responsibilities with family members. Find professional support on Leadar if you need an experienced babysitter, house cleaner, technician, plumber, or caregiver, so you are not burdened with personal chores during work hours.

2. Plan your meals

Having to prepare lunch in the middle of a busy workday could be a drain on your time. This is why planning your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks ahead of time is essential.

By pre-arranging your meals, you can eat healthily and save time for a productive remote workday. It could also prevent unhealthy practices, such as over-eating and frequent snacking—both common outcomes of working from home for many people.

Prepare a weekly meal plan, and determine how you will arrange each meal. For example, you can cook it in advance and refrigerate, so you can heat it up when you are hungry.

One of the most overlooked benefits of working from home is the opportunity to eat healthily. So, avoid pre-cooked microwavable meals, takeouts, and unhealthy junk food. Be mindful of eating a nutritionally balanced diet and include healthy snacks to nibble on. Moreover, plan to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day as you work remotely. According to studies, hydration could increase brain function and energy levels.

3. Assign work hours

You may not have strict work hours assigned when telecommuting. But it is still important to set a starting and finishing time to avoid burnout and introduce structure to your day.

But allocate enough time for a morning routine. For instance, you might want to go for an early morning jog or meditate at sunrise. These practices are just as essential as your work and can provide a much-needed boost for your mind and body. So, ensure you assign time for your morning rituals to prepare you for a fresh, energized start.

Next, plan to work in blocks of time. Many people perform at an optimum level during morning hours. Identify when you work best, and allocate work that demands intense focus during those time blocks.

Moreover, assign routine or repetitive tasks when your energy levels are low. For instance, it is natural to feel drowsy during after-lunch hours. This can depend on a number of factors, such as how much you eat and what you consume. Some experts even recommend a quick nap to boost energy after lunch.

4. Schedule breaks

Allocating sufficient breaks is also crucial for your mental and physical health. It can help you relax, focus better, and avoid work fatigue. Mid-work breaks are further necessary to prevent sitting for long hours, which can lead to neck, back, and shoulder injuries and many other preventable diseases.

Therefore, set an alarm each hour for a 5-minute time off from work. Get up from your chair and move around. You can go for a quick walk outside or breathe in fresh air. Drink some water, chat with a friend, or do a few yoga moves.

Eye specialists also recommend the 20-20-20 rule to avoid eye strain. It involves looking away from your computer screen every 20 minutes and focusing on a distant object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

In addition, assign sufficient time for lunch and snacks to ensure you don’t skip meals or rush through them.

5. Set boundaries

Setting boundaries is another crucial part of scheduling your remote workday for optimum results. This means speaking to your loved ones at home and helping them understand why you should not be disturbed during your work hours.

Setting up a separate office space at home will also help. Avoid working from common areas where others frequently move about, and keep aside devices such as mobile phones.

Plan Smart for a Better Telecommuting Workday

Working remotely has many benefits that have made it a popular choice for an increasing number of individuals. It can help you save time, money, and stress, often associated with regular office work.

But maintaining productivity is vital when you work from home. By scheduling your remote workday, you can avoid distractions, focus better, and achieve substantially more with a balanced life.

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