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How to Raise a Healthy Dog

Raising a healthy dog is your responsibility as a pet owner. If your dog is sick, it will not be able to run around as freely as it used to and will grow weaker over time, which is the last thing you want for your fur baby. You must monitor your dog’s health to keep them from getting sick and provide them with the medical attention they need in case they become ill. On that note, here is how you can raise a happy and healthy pup.

Routine Check-up Vs. Emergency 

Try to be sure your dog gets a yearly check-up, but make sure that you also keep track of how they feel. You may want to check their stool and get their tongue screened for common diseases. Your veterinarian can explain these steps so that you can do them at home. They can also do it for you so it does not take time away from the important things in your life, like your dog's training and playtime.

 By keeping track of the little things, you can track your dog’s health and this will make it easier for you to tell the difference between an emergency situation and a time where you should schedule a routine check-up. The more often you vet your dog, the easier it will be to tell if something is wrong.

Help Your Pet Stay Healthy and Happy

As the lifelong dog lovers at explain, keeping your dog healthy and happy is the least you can do to repay them for the unconditional love they offer you. Keeping them away from objects like fireworks that fear them is also necessary as dogs and fireworks are not a compatible match. The following points will walk you through the most important steps to keep your dog’s health in check. If you have some problems with your dog's poop and are looking for some ideas on getting rid of dog poop smell in your yard, you can check Perfect Poop for some great ideas.

Take your dog in for regular check-ups

Keep a copy of the veterinary records so you can take your pet for follow-up checks wherever you are. When your pet is sick, let the vet know and have them seen as soon as possible. Try to explore the subject of arthritis during your check-up.

Keep their body clean and dry

Your dog's skin must never be left dirty or wet because bacteria and moisture can cause infections and bad smells. Properly toilet training your dog can help manage this, and you can use a real grass dog toilet by Nature's Loo to support your dog's natural instincts. This will help to prevent your dog from wetting themselves, even when they don't have access to the outside. You may also want to have a groomer come in periodically—even if just once a year. Doing this will help prevent fleas and other parasites from infesting your pet. You can shop for a dog jacket for your furry friend.

Get them vaccinated to prevent many common problems

Your pet might become sick and need medical attention. Vaccinating prevents illnesses because vaccines contain the substances that are in the diseases that your pet may contract, helping to build up a natural resistance to the disease.

Monitor their weight

Obesity is a risk for dogs and can bring about many health problems, including heart disease and diabetes. It is important to have your dog lose weight slowly if they are overweight so they can maintain good health over time (just like losing weight is not done quickly in humans). It is also important to keep your dog's weight gain appropriate for their breed or breed mix because smaller breeds tend to gain more weight than larger breeds; Excess weight can also lead to many health problems such as arthritis or heart disease.

Talk to your veterinarian

Especially about nutrition and having your dog spayed or neutered. Spaying is especially important because it makes it impossible for a female dog to get certain types of cancer and also prevents unwanted puppies from being born, which could lead to the killing of a puppy by its mother. Neutering will help to reduce hormones in your dog and can stop them from running away and possibly getting hit by a car, trying to fight another animal, or wandering into places where they could be hurt or killed. You should also consider having your dog microchipped so that if they do ever run away, they can be returned safely home if found by someone else. 

Vitamins and Supplements

Keep a careful eye on your dog’s diet and make sure you always have fresh food available. Many supplements are good for your dog's health; talk to your veterinarian so they can recommend the best for your breed. A dog is much healthier when they get all of the vitamins and nutrients that they need. 

Ensure that you have the means to regularly give your dog fresh water; this will help prevent various problems associated with dehydration such as kidney and liver failure. The fountain waterers are excellent because they do not get contaminated as easily as other waterers, which may be more difficult to keep up with cleanliness standards.

Doing your best to keep your dog healthy and happy is important for their quality of life, and yours too. People who have kept careful track of their dogs’ health often claim to have had more years to spend with their beloved fur babies than those who haven’t. It is easy to tell if you are doing an adequate job at keeping your dog healthy and happy simply by observing them. Being observant and attentive does not take much time and can provide some very helpful insight that could mean the difference between keeping them in good health or losing them sooner than you would want.

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