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How To Properly Take Care Of Yourself After An Injury

Accidents happen often in life, however sometimes when an individual gets hurt it is because of the carelessness or negligence of another person or organization. In such cases, the injured person can hold them to account by filing a personal injury claim. This involves hiring a personal injury lawyer and building a solid case based on evidence such as eye witness reports and medical records. 

Personal injury claims cover a wide range of cases including car accidents, medical malpractice, nursing home abuse, product liability, slips, and falls, and workplace accidents. 

When putting together a personal injury claim with a lawyer it is important to calculate all costs incurred due to missed wages and medical care in addition to factoring in emotional distress. By itemizing and totaling up these costs, claimants can work out a reasonable compensation figure. 

Personal injury cases can take some time to settle, so in the meantime, claimants are encouraged to take care of themselves and start recovery as soon as possible. Therefore, this article outlines some ways injured people can improve their health whilst waiting for claims to be settled. 

Get Assistance and Support

To ensure a full recovery, injuries both minor and severe, require medical treatment, unfortunately, at this time people will have to pay medical care expenses themselves. The result of this is often financial difficulties which is why the litigation specialists at Tomeny | Best Injury Lawyers recommend seeking legal counsel swiftly to decrease the financial burden and stress. Hiring a personal injury lawyer provides claimants with peace of mind that action is being taken so they can focus on their physical recovery. 

Depending on the type of injury inflicted, recovery may involve receiving physiotherapy, getting corrective surgery, or a period of treatment for mental health issues. 

Take Time to Rest

After getting treatment for an injury, people are usually sent home and told to rest. It is vital to follow the advice and directions given by doctors as an injured body needs all the energy it can get to heal. Taking short naps throughout the day can give the body regular times to focus on repairing itself. 

Improve Your Diet

Eating a healthy diet is key to a fast and effective recovery from injury. Certain foods help with the healing process whilst others can impede it by making a person feel groggy and unmotivated. Therefore, it is advised that injured people eat food that is rich in nutrients and vitamins such as:

  • High protein lean meats like chicken and beef

  • Fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C; bell peppers,  broccoli, kiwis, and tomatoes for example

  • Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, found in canola oil, coconut oil, corn oil, fish, and nuts 

  • Zinc, present in fish, meat, shellfish, and whole grains

  • Vitamin D and calcium in almonds, broccoli, dairy products, and okra

  • Fiber from beans, berries, broccoli, carrots, whole grain cereals and pasta, melons, nuts oranges, peas, pears, and seeds


Even light exercise after suffering an injury can be difficult, especially if it is severe. Doctors and physiotherapists will recommend some exercises to do at home and sessions at the hospital. 

An exercise routine should start with light exercises and gradually build up to more strenuous workouts, however, it is important to tailor workouts depending on the person and type of injury. Exercising is a great way to aid the healing process, reduce inflammation and get rid of stress.

Generally, people recovering from injuries tend to play gentle sports or do light exercises such as jogging, swimming, and walking.   

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Usually, after a personal injury people will have to recover from the mental effects as well as the physical harm. Mental conditions regularly experienced by personal injury victims are anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders in addition to slowing down the healing process and causing bad moods. 

A good mental recovery from injury relies on maintaining a positive attitude which can be achieved in several ways including: 

  • Focus on resting and try to accept how long recovery will take

  • Track progress or problems in a journal; logging new aches or pains, results or exercise and improvements in movements can help plan future exercises or treatment

  • Set goals; achievable short team goals are most effective to keep up motivation

  • Eating a balanced and healthy diet

  • Taking up a hobby such as cooking or reading

  • Try to do simple and short work tasks if you can work from home

  • Meditation; sit still and concentrate on breathing patterns to help reduce stress and clear negative thoughts

  • Keep to the rehabilitation plan set by your doctor and physiotherapist

  • Avoid isolation; regularly communicating with and seeing family and friends helps to keep up spirits

Getting injured can be financially, mentally, and physically devastating especially if it was caused by the incompetence or negligence of someone else. However, these problems can be dealt with by filing a personal injury claim and taking the right steps to ensure a successful mental and physical recovery.

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