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How To Make A House Move That Bit Easier

Moving house is never easy, no matter how many times you’ve done it. It always involves a lot of organization, plenty of mania on the day, and hours of hard work. Whether you’re moving a couple of streets away or to a whole new town, the principle and process are always pretty much the same. If you have a house move coming up and want to take away a bit of the stress, we’ve put together some top tips that should make it that little bit easier.

Sort through your things as early as you can

While you don’t need to start your packing right away, it’s a good idea to sort through your items as soon as possible. By getting rid of clutter or items you no longer use it will make the packing process a lot easier. It will also be less overwhelming as you won’t need to do everything at once. Try to be ruthless with your things, only keeping the items that really add value to your home or life.

Look to put things into storage

If you are moving further away or if you can’t move into your new home as soon as you want, it might be a good idea to put things into self storage facilities. There are many of these dotted around everywhere so find one that has a good rate for you and that will fit all your items.

See if you can have someone look after your kids and pets

When you are moving you don’t want to have to focus on looking after your children and pets as well as all the other stress of moving. Instead, try and see if there is a relative or friend you can leave your little ones with. This way you won’t need to worry about what they’re doing or what they’re up to all the time, and you know they’ll be well looked after.

Have a box of “essentials” ready to use when you get to the new house

There’s nothing worse than getting to your new home and not being able to do things such as go to the toilet as you have no toilet roll, or being unable to have a cup of coffee. To avoid this, pack a box labeled “essentials” and include in it all the items you might need for when you get to the new house. This will be much appreciated by you and the others that are helping you move. Include things such as your phone chargers, snacks, drinks, and medical essentials like plaster or painkillers just in case. You might want to pack some drinks to celebrate with (although alcohol-free drinks might be a good idea if you still have furniture to build!) 

These are just a few tips designed to make your house move that bit easier. Whether you’re moving for work, to experience a new location, or are upgrading to a larger house in a different neighborhood, a move is a big change. By following these tips you’ll find moving day a bit less stressful and you can enjoy settling into your new home. Have you recently moved home? Do you have any tips?

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