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How To Increase Your Gun Shooting Range

Increasing your gun shooting range is essential for any firearms enthusiast. Whether a recreational shooter or an experienced hunter, mastering the basics of firing a weapon can help make you a better shooter and improve your accuracy at different distances. With the proper techniques and practice, anyone can increase their gun shooting range quickly and efficiently.

This article will discuss steps to increase your firearm shooting range: safe handling practices, proper stance, trigger control, grip technique, sight alignment, and breathing control. By following these tips and practicing regularly, anyone can become a better shooter in no time.

Safe handling practices

Healthy habits are essential when using firearms. Safety should be the priority when handling a weapon, and all the following steps will only be practical if safe practices are maintained. Always check the barrel of your gun for any obstructions before shooting, and wear safety glasses and ear protection while using your firearm.

Another tip is to keep the muzzle in a safe direction, as it can be dangerous if accidentally fired. Always remember to have the correct scope on your firearm. If you have a 30-06 for instance you must ensure you fit it with the best scope for a 30-06. Finally, it is essential to practice proper gun hygiene and cleaning. This will help keep your firearm functioning correctly and give you the best accuracy possible.

Proper stance

The best way to increase accuracy at greater distances is to maintain proper form while shooting. A good starting point is finding a comfortable standing position with your feet slightly apart, and arms held close in front of you. Keep your back straight and shoulders relaxed while inhaling deeply, followed by slowly exhaling to help steady yourself. 

You can also use a shooting bench to help keep you steady while aiming. In addition, remember to always keep your muzzle pointed in a safe direction and away from other people.

Trigger control

Once your stance is set, the next step is controlling the trigger of your gun. Trigger control is essential for accuracy and precision, as jerking or 'slapping' the trigger can cause inaccuracy. Instead, grip the trigger firmly with your index finger and slowly pull it back until you feel some resistance. 

At this point, pause for a brief moment before continuing to squeeze the trigger until you fire your shot. Furthermore, follow through with the trigger squeeze and do not release it immediately after the shot.

Grip technique

Your grip on the gun is another important factor in accuracy. Make sure to hold the weapon appropriately, as too much force can cause tension and reduce accuracy. The best way to do this is by placing your hands into a 'handshake' position; one hand should rest below the weapon's action while your other supports it from above at roughly a 30-degree angle relative to your torso. Additionally, upgrading to a P365 grip module for your SIG Sauer P365 can enhance grip comfort and control, improving shooting accuracy.

This will help provide stability while shooting and allow for better control of the gun's recoil. It is also essential to keep your elbows close to your body while shooting, as it can help improve your accuracy.

Sight alignment

Now comes the challenging part: aiming your gun correctly. Sight alignment is critical to increase accuracy and should be done correctly to maintain precision. There are two main techniques used for this; iron sights and optics. 

For iron sights, you should focus on the front sight post with both eyes open while keeping the rear sight post slightly fuzzy and out of focus. With optics, choose the suitable magnification setting for shooting at various distances and center your crosshairs on the target while adjusting elevation and windage as needed.

Breathing control

Breathing control is essential when trying to increase accuracy at longer distances. When you're ready to shoot, take a deep breath and exhale until you're halfway done with your exhalation. Then, hold your breath for about two to three seconds before firing the shot. This will help steady your aim and prevent any jerking or movement of the gun, which can affect accuracy. Breathing control will take practice and precision but can help you hit your target faster.

Take a course

Finally, if you're having trouble increasing your shooting range, taking a firearms course or undergoing training such as Strikeman Dry-Fire Training may be a good idea. These courses are designed to teach shooters the proper techniques for shooting accurately and safely. They can also provide tips on improving accuracy and reducing recoil to hit targets at further distances.
A professional instructor can provide personalized advice and instruction on shooting more accurately. They can also help identify any weak points in your shooting technique and advise how to address them. For those in the Houston area, visiting a reputable gun range in Houston can provide access to excellent facilities and expert guidance to improve your shooting skills.

At the end of the day

Increasing the shooting range is possible by following these tips. By practicing safe handling habits, maintaining proper stance, developing good trigger control techniques, working on grip technique and sight alignment, and mastering breathing control – anyone can become a better shooter in no time. 

The key is to practice regularly and strive to improve every aspect of shooting, so that accuracy at greater distances becomes easier over time. Dedication and practice allow any shooter to become proficient in longer-range shooting.

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