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How to Get Clients for Your Real Estate Business Online

So, are you just starting a new real estate business, or are you looking for a new marketing strategy in order to get more clients? Well, whatever the case may be, the first step of creating a good marketing strategy is doing the research first, so, good for you! There are plenty of different ways in which you could go with your business strategy due to the fact that every business itself is under different circumstances, but that being said - there definitely are some musts, and that’s what we are going to talk about in this article.

All of that being said, if you want to find out how to get more clients for your real estate business online, stick around to find out!

Never Overlook The Importance of SEO

Now, the importance of Search Engine Optimization can’t be stressed enough. As experts over at Perth SEO company explain, your SEO campaign is the cornerstone of your digital marketing plan, due to the fact that the main place where people can find your real estate business is, well, by using a search engine online. To explain things a bit more, working on your SEO (when we talk about real estate) means working on different ways that will make your business show up among the first few results when a potential client from your area types anything relevant to real estate on google search.

But, how can you achieve this? Two main ways to do so are on-site SEO and off-site SEO.

On-site SEO

The first way to work on your SEO rankings, and the most important one for you due to the fact that you can impact it the most - on-site SEO. It refers to all the ways in which you can tweak your website in order to make it more relevant and clear due to the fact that these are very important factors when it comes to how Google algorithms assess your website.

We will talk about different ways for you to tweak your algorithm a bit later, but for now, you should know that if you don’t have a website, you pretty much need to make one because it will help you reach clients immensely. 

Off-site SEO

Off-page SEO basically refers to a number of different ways in which you can boost your SEO rankings that don’t in any way involve you actively working on your website or. That being said, due to the fact that you have fewer variables that you can affect, off-site SEO is definitely a bit more complicated than on-page SEO. The most prominent way for you to work on this is through backlinking and encouraging your clients to leave reviews and ratings, as well as to interact with your website and social media.

Work On Your Website

Your website is practically the key to reaching more clients that otherwise wouldn’t be able to find your real estate business. Working on it is directly tied to working on your on-site SEO, so, in order to help you be more successful in it, let’s talk about what you should do exactly.


Now, first things first - it’s extremely important that your website mirrors what your real estate business is at its core. And no, this doesn’t mean that basic info like your address, contact, and the team is enough - you need to represent your brand in many different ways. 

So, adding supporting articles in which you go through different topics related to real estate that have links to other sites that may be useful for your clients (but that don’t lead them to your competitors, of course), as well as explaining different terms related to real estate as well as your take on the problems that your clients might face. Another important thing regarding all this additional content is that they contain your keywords, which are basically the things that people are most likely going to type into their search bars, but that is unique to you and represent your brand. Also, be sure to add so-called supporting keywords, which are there to, well, bridge your potential customers to your actual keyword and to your website.


Okay, now that we have relevance covered, let’s talk about another important aspect. Just because your website contains all the necessary information, it doesn’t automatically mean that your website is pleasing and easy to browse. This is why you need to work on making your interface user friendly

If you fail to do so, the most probable scenario is the following - your potential client reaches your website, and tries to find something. If the person in question fails to do so after around 15 seconds of browsing, the probability is high that they will try to find it on another real estate business. You don’t want this to happen, so, organize your website in such a manner that all that it contains can be easily found.

In the end, the road to creating a good strategy that will attract clients is the road paved with trial and error. That being said, don’t get discouraged if something doesn’t go as planned - take that situation as an advantage to work on your weak points and utilize them to create an even better marketing strategy.

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