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How to Deep Clean Your Kitchen Before a Residential Property Showing: 4 Key Tips

When you’ve got potential buyers coming to view your property, or prospective tenants checking it out, then it’s key to have it as clean and tidy as possible.

The kitchen is a room that can become particularly grimy and gross over time, so a deep clean in the run-up to this event is important. Here are some tips and tricks to make the cleaning process less of a chore.

Make Sure to Clear Out the Clutter: A Must-Do Before a Property Showing

Nothing can detract from an otherwise perfect presentation like clutter. So to make sure your kitchen looks its best, get rid of all unnecessary items lying around on countertops or tucked away in cupboards.

Focus on clearing out food packaging and other objects that could take away from highlighting how much storage space there really is in this room. Don’t forget about those hidden corners too, because dust bunnies have no place here!

Don't Forget About Your Cupboards and Cabinets: Give Them an Extra Shine

A deep clean of your kitchen isn’t complete without taking a look at those cupboards and cabinets. Wipe down all surfaces with warm soapy water, then give them a buffing to remove any streaks or stains.

You can also use some natural ingredients like vinegar or baking soda for extra shine. Make sure you throw out anything that has expired, as well as wipe away dust from the shelves, as potential buyers will be peering into every nook and cranny of your storage setup.

Get Ready for Some Serious Deep Cleaning with Tried and Tested Methods

Time to get down to business and crack on with some serious deep cleaning. Start by wiping down the kitchen surfaces, getting rid of any grease or grime that has accumulated over time.

Remember to give your appliances some love as well. Subject them to a serious scrubbing using natural ingredients like lemon juice and baking soda, which can make short work of those tough stains. If you’re worried about damaging them, refer to the manufacturer’s handbook to ensure you’re using the right products and cleaning techniques.

Also, take the time to deal with the kitchen floors too. Sweep away the surface layer of dirt and dust, before giving them a thorough mop with soapy water, or an appropriate cleaner. Again, be cognizant of the products you use, as certain materials need a gentler approach, or you could end up doing more harm than good.

Alternatively, Hire a Professional Cleaning Team

If all the deep cleaning is too much effort, or if you are pressed for time before your residential property showing, hiring a professional team might be the best option for cleaning your NYC apartment.

They’ll have their own tried and tested methods to make sure every corner of your kitchen looks pristine and spotless. Plus, they can help you with any last-minute touches that could add value to your presentation.

Most importantly, with this approach, there’s no need to worry about missing out on those crucial details when it comes time to show off your home. And you’d be surprised how much difference it makes to have totally spotless communal areas on display. This helps to justify any costs you incur from getting the pros involved.

The Bottom Line

You want the people to view your home to see it at its best, and if your kitchen looks worse for wear, then they’ll have a harder time imagining themselves enjoying life on the property. Deep cleaning is of course a transferable skill, so roll your sleeves up or get experts to complete the work, and you’ll be laughing.

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