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How to Cut Down the Amount of Time You Spend Cleaning Your Home

Some people like cleaning their homes. For them, it can be a time for introspection and to get away from the stresses of life. But, if you're like most people, cleaning the house is not something you look forward to. Depending on how big the house is and how dirty it is, this could take you all day, or even two in some cases. So, what can you do to accelerate the whole process and make things easier? Of course, you could hire a house cleaning Houston service, or wherever you are based such as Naperville cleaning service, to get the job done. But if you are to tackle it yourself, here's how you can cut down the amount of time you spend cleaning your home.

Get Rid of the Things You Don’t Need

Don’t be a hoarder. If you can get rid of most of the things around the house that you’re not using anymore, it will make things much easier for you. Make an inventory of everything that you have in your closet and see if there’s anything you can store, throw away, or give to someone else. We would also suggest that you do the same with any equipment you have around. One trick would be to take everything you think you need but aren’t using and put it in a remote part of the house. If after 4 weeks you haven’t reached for an item, this means that you can get rid of it, or put it in storage if it's valuable or something you use seasonally.

Focus on Tasks Instead of Rooms

You have two ways to approach cleaning a house. Some people will work on each room and only move to the next when everything is clean. Then, you have people who will focus on one chore around the house and go from task to task. Both options can work and you might prefer going room by room, but you’ll be wasting time. When you do this, you will need to haul all of your equipment from room to room. This can get tiring quickly and you might get discouraged before you get to the end. On the other hand, if you only do one thing at once around the house, such as dusting, cleaning windows, cleaning the floors, or vacuuming, you’ll save a lot of time. 

This is especially important if you are thinking of doing some deep carpet cleaning. It’s usually better to do this at the end when everything has been covered so you spend less time on it and don’t have to go back into the room. We also suggest that you invest in a good steam cleaner if you want to get the best results. You can read this awesome blog post on how to do best carpet steam cleaner if you need advice. 

Have a Clear Protocol for Every Room

You should be approaching every room the same and work in the same order. Some suggest that you should go clockwise when cleaning a room. You can grab a laundry basket, a small garbage bag, all-purpose cleaner, and towels. Then, work your way clockwise wiping down surfaces, putting garbage in the garbage bag, and misplaced items in the basket. You can then start delivering misplaced items whenever you get to the room in which they belong.

As you can see, there are tons of things that you can do to keep house cleaning time to a minimum. Follow these few tips and you’ll make the whole process faster and more pleasant.

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