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How to Boost Your Body’s Fat-Burning System

If you’re looking to enhance your health or slim down, burning off fat can be a challenge to many people. While diet and exercise can influence weight loss, a lot of other factors are also at play. For instance, we have people who can eat whatever they think of and still have abs. 

Sometimes, this is credited to quality genes or a fast metabolism. You can think of metabolism as an engine in your cells that keeps you going. Your body runs on calories, which are the units of energy in human beings. Having a high metabolism can give you energy, which makes you feel better. Here are a few strategies to increase your metabolism.

1. Eat Plenty of Calories

Many people skip meals as a strategy to lose weight. If you’re not careful, this can significantly impact your metabolism negatively. Additionally, consuming meals that aren’t filling can have the same effect. Alternatively, you should consider this if you want to boost your metabolism. Consuming fewer calories can downtrend your metabolism; This is your body’s adaptation mechanism to conserve energy. Depending on your body’s physical level, experts recommend between 1600 and 2400 calories a day for adult men. For men, the range should be between 2000 and 3000 calories daily.

2. Lift Weights

Lifting weights is one of the best ways to promote muscle growth and maintain lean muscle. This also helps to boost your body composition, whether you’re looking to maintain, gain, or lose weight. Studies have shown a 7 percent metabolic rate increase for individuals who train regularly. Additionally, strength training can also help increase your daily calorie burn. This is also noticeable even hours after you’ve ceased training. Your muscles require a recovery period after a weight lifting session. It’s during this period where the positive effects of metabolism are seen.

3. Consume Plenty of Proteins

Eating protein-rich foods is an effective way to burn more fat and reduce your appetite. Research has shown that eating adequate quality protein is associated with a lower risk of belly fat. Additionally, consuming proteins can help conserve muscle mass and metabolism during weight loss. Protein-rich foods require more calories to digest. This is known as the dietary-induced thermogenesis of food, where it takes calories to digest other calories fully. For the best results, you can try incorporating protein-rich foods into your diet each day to help increase fat burning. Meat, eggs, and dairy products are perfect sources of high-protein foods you can add to your diet.

4. Build Muscle Mass

Even when you’re doing nothing, your body is always burning fat. People with more muscles have a high metabolic rate during this resting period. Studies show that every pound of muscle uses about six calories daily to sustain itself. Additionally, each pound of fat in your body burns two calories each day. These are not numbers you should ignore since this small difference can increase cumulatively with time. After a strength training session, your body muscles are activated, which raises your average daily metabolic rate.

5. Green Tea

In recent years, green tea has gained widespread popularity because of its immense health benefits. Studies have shown that taking a daily serving of green tea increases metabolism by 3-6 percent. Green tea helps to turn some of the fat stored in your body into free fatty acids. Again, this increases fat burning significantly. Medics think the metabolism-boosting properties in green tea might help prevent weight loss due to a reduction in metabolism. However, before using green tea, it would be best to consult your doctor. This is because green tea has varying metabolism effects rates in different people.


Sleep can affect your metabolism by interfering with some hormones that control your appetite. Studies reveal that lack of sleep leads to an increased release of the hunger hormone ghrelin, and a reduction in leptin, the fat-burning hormone. Additionally, lack of sleep might make you crave unhealthy foods that are bad for your health. Fatigue from insomnia can also lead to a lower output during the day, which leads to less intense workouts. This means you burn fewer calories than when you’re fully energized.

7. Drink Water

Water is a vital requirement in the processing of calories. Being dehydrated slows down your metabolism. Health experts advise drinking six to eight glasses of water daily to increase your calorie-burning rate. We recommend drinking water or an unsweetened beverage before each meal. Additionally, you can also boost your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables which contain water.

There’s no one approach when it comes to a fast metabolism. While the metabolic process is much complex, your health and dieting choices affect your metabolism significantly. Even the small changes to your lifestyle can have substantial effects on fat burning. Finally, ensure to pair these tips with a healthy diet to optimize fat breakdown.

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