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How Realtors Earn Their Money

Modern homeowners can list their properties for sale online in much the same way as they’d sell any other item online. Just because you can, however, it doesn’t mean that you should. In fact, most homeowners are likely to benefit hugely from working with a realtor. Here are four of the main reasons why.

Realtors know how to create compelling listings

Modern buyers expect to see floor plans, photos, and videos alongside traditional text descriptions. There is a skill to creating all of these. With the exception of floor plans, which are purely factual, this is part art and part science.  

There’s a particular skill to real-estate photography (and videography). It’s essentially commercial product photography but in a very specific environment. This means that it has to hit a very precise sweet spot between being honest about its subject and showcasing it at its best.

Realtors pre-qualify buyers

One of the most important parts of a realtor’s job is making sure that prospective buyers are capable of buying your home as well as willing to do so. This can save you a lot of time and energy as well as frustration and disappointment.  

Where you have a choice of interested, serious buyers, a realtor can highlight the best match or matches. For example, if you want to move quickly, then it may be better to accept a lower offer from a buyer who also wants to move quickly than a higher one from a buyer who’s in no rush.

Realtors take care of viewings

There are two key reasons why it’s often very much preferable to have viewings managed by a realtor. Firstly, many buyers are likely to feel more comfortable dealing with a realtor than dealing with an owner. In particular, they can ask whatever they like and make whatever comments they like without fear of offending anyone.

Secondly, it allows you to control how much buyers learn about you personally. For example, if you’re in a rush to move, that fact may come across to buyers if you deal with them directly. This can lead to them wondering if there’s an issue with the property. It can also lead to them playing hardball on price.

By contrast, you can simply say to a realtor “Please sell my home fast!” and leave them to manage the situation as they see fit. Your realtor may choose to tell buyers that you are eager to move if they think it would be a sales point. For example, a buyer may also be eager to move quickly. Otherwise, buyers will never know.

Realtors guide sales to completion

It would be lovely if all agreed sales just progressed smoothly to completion. In reality, the mechanics of property transactions are complex. A lot can go wrong between the original offer and the final ratification of a contract.  

Realtors have been there, seen it, done it, and know how to handle it. They will do whatever it takes to keep everything moving smoothly right up to the point where the funds are transferred and the keys handed over.

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