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How Long Does CBD Oil Take To Work? Insights for European Users

Understanding how long it takes CBD to produce the intended effects is critical when measuring doses. It also lets you choose an appropriate delivery method. 

If you’re new to CBD and are wondering how long the compound takes to kick in, this article is for you. 

Read below as we share more insights into the topic, focusing on CBD Oil / CBD Olie.

What Is CBD Oil / CBD Olie?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the 100+ naturally occurring cannabinoids in cannabis. The compound has made significant impressions in recent years for its powerful therapeutic properties. 

Cannabidiol, along with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), are the two most prevalent cannabinoids in marijuana. The two compounds are primarily distinguishable by their mind-altering abilities. 

While both CBD and THC possess remarkable healing properties, THC stands out for its additional psychoactive effects. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the principal psychedelic chemical in cannabis. 

As with other cannabinoids, CBD exists in multiple formulations. The most common one is CBD Oil / CBD Olie. 

CBD Oil / CBD Olie is a formulation containing cannabidiol and an inert carrier oil, such as medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) coconut oil. This cannabidiol-based preparation can be administered in various ways. Popular delivery methods include ingesting measured droplets of the compound, mixing it into regular cooking oil, and adding it to the batter. 

Is CBD Oil / CBD Olie Similar To CBD Tincture?

The terms “CBD Oil / CBD Olie” and “CBD tincture” are often used interchangeably. However, these are distinct cannabidiol formulations. 

As stated, CBD Oil / CBD Olie contains cannabidiol and a carrier oil. CBD tinctures, on the other hand, combine cannabidiol with a high-proof alcohol solution. 

Besides their chief ingredients, CBD Oil / CBD Olie and CBD tincture differ in their delivery methods. While you can consume CBD olie in various ways, tinctures are primarily administered sublingually. More on that in the subsequent section. 

However, note that the term “CBD Oil / CBD Olie” is also commonly applied to denote any cannabidiol-infused compound. 

What Can CBD Oil / CBD Olie Do For You?

CBD Oil / CBD Olie boasts cannabidiol’s healing properties. 

Numerous studies have proven that cannabidiol may relieve pain, anxiety, and insomnia. The cannabis-derived compound has also demonstrated efficacy against inflammation, nausea, erectile dysfunction (ED), and fatigue, among numerous other ailments. 

Like most cannabinoids, CBD Oil / CBD Olie exerts its biological effects by impacting the endocannabinoid system. 

The endocannabinoid system is a complex network of receptors, neurotransmitters, and enzymes that regulate various physiological functions. It’s particularly involved in pain signaling, circadian rhythms, and nervous functions.

How Long Does CBD Oil / CBD Olie Take To Work?

The answer to this question depends on whether we’re referring to the cannabidiol + carrier oil combination or any cannabidiol-based compound. 

If the focus is a formulation of cannabidiol and a carrier oil, the average onset time would be 30 - 90 minutes, based on the actual delivery method. 

Remember that you can ingest CBD Oil / CBD Olie directly or add it to cooking recipes. The actual onset time would depend on the duration it takes for the compound to absorb into the bloodstream. 

For instance, CBD Oil / CBD Olie would take a shorter period to kick in if swallowed than if added to a baking recipe. 

How Long Do Other CBD-Infused Products Take To Kick In?

1. CBD Tinctures

Cannabidiol tinctures are formulated for sublingual administration. The sublingual delivery method entails dripping measured doses of a tincture underneath the tongue and holding it for a few seconds before swallowing. 

15 - 90 minutes is the average onset time for cannabidiol oil administered sublingually. 

Note that this delivery method is faster than orally ingesting cannabidiol. That’s because the bioactive compounds in tinctures enter the bloodstream directly via the sublingual membranes.

2. CBD Inhalables

Vaping and smoking are the two primary ways to inhale cannabidiol oil. However, some people may also prefer to inhale the compound via aromatherapy. 

Whichever option you prefer, CBD takes 15 - 60 minutes to kick in when inhaled. 

The vapor or smoke containing cannabidiol compounds enters your system through the mucous membranes in your lungs.

3. CBD Edibles

Besides CBD Oil / CBD Olie, cannabidiol comes in several other ingestible formulations. These include fancier edibles like gummies, capsules, chocolates, and baked goods. 

Ingested CBD olie takes quite a long time to kick in - 45 minutes to 3 hours. 

That’s because the compound must undergo a complete digestion process before getting absorbed into the body.

4. CBD Topicals

Topicals provide one of the safest ways to consume cannabidiol. 

Unlike other delivery methods, CBD topicals don’t go through the gut. Therefore, users need not worry about the adverse effects associated with this cannabis-derived compound. 

Note that, while cannabidiol is non-psychoactive, an overdose could trigger a slew of unintended reactions. Side effects range from nausea and vomiting to dry mouth, drowsiness, irritability, et cetera.  CBD topicals typically kick in within 3 - 5 hours. That’s due to the slower rate the compounds absorb into the skin. 

Other Factors Affecting CBD Oil / CBD Olie Onset Time

Besides the diverse delivery methods, the duration cannabidiol takes to enter the bloodstream is also age- and dose-dependent. 

Younger users require smaller cannabidiol doses to achieve the same therapeutic effects as older users. 

The thumb rule is to rely on the intended user's body weight. Experts recommend 5 milligrams (mg) of CBD per pound of body weight per day, preferably split across three ways.


The duration it takes CBD Oil / CBD Olie to kick in depends on various factors. We hope this article sufficiently covered the key aspects affecting CBD Oil / CBD Olie onset time. As a general rule, always contact your physician before administering cannabidiol or any cannabis derivative.

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