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How Do You Drink Irish Whiskey?

Irish whiskey is both light and fruity while also holding the classic whiskey profile. It is considered a sophisticated spirit that should be enjoyed slowly, this way you can truly understand the complex flavors and hidden depths of the beverage.

Today we will teach you the best way to explore this drink, ensuring you take in all of the delights that Irish whiskey has to offer.

What Makes Irish Whiskey Different?

For a whiskey to be named Irish, it needs to be both distilled and aged in Ireland. It also needs to be created with at least 50% malt barley. The rest of the cereals can be mixed however the distiller prefers.

This strict percentage allows all Irish whiskey to contain the same comparable beginnings, while still ensuring room for difference.

That being said, this percentage restriction is very similar to Scotch and Bourbon. So what makes it different? The distillation process.

Before the process begins, a special change needs to be added to the creation method. 

In this method, the distiller soaks the barley in water. This forced the germination to occur early. Once started, the enzymes will change the grain into sugar. The end result is a sweeter grain.

To stop the fermentation process, the distillers need to dry the grain. They do this by putting it in a closed kiln. Because peat isn’t used in this process, Irish Whiskey doesn’t have a smoky scent.

These processes make Irish whiskey lighter, clearer, and smoother than Scotch whiskey.

The flavors will change depending on the brand and bottle, but overall you can expect a smooth spirit.

Drinking Irish Whiskey Neat

Because Irish whiskey is smooth and light, you can drink it neat without needing to add a mixture. A neat beverage is when you drink the spirit without anything added to it. No water, no ice, and no added flavors. You drink it exactly as it was in the bottle.

When people begin to explore whiskey, the best option to give them is a neat Irish. This will allow them to experience the beverage without complications from other ingredients, and without becoming overwhelmed with the more intense flavors provided by Scotch whiskey.

Even if you aren’t new to whiskey, the smoothness and subtleties in Irish whiskey will be a breath of fresh air. For those looking to share this delightful experience with others, check out the page for whiskey gift sets to find the perfect present for any whiskey enthusiast. The simplicity of the drink also makes it a great option for sipping and enjoying while catching up with friends, making it a perfect choice for social gatherings.

You could order a collection of Irish whiskeys to drink neat, and sample each of them with a cleanser in between. From there you will be able to figure out which of the collections you prefer.

Because the flavors are clear, you will also be able to distinguish which tastes you like the most and use that knowledge to sample other dark spirits. 

Irish Whiskey Cocktails

The rise in cocktail-making happened during the decline in Irish whiskey creation - in the 1900s. This means that the majority of classical cocktails don’t include Irish whiskey even though they have been around long before mixology became popular.

However, that doesn’t mean that modern cocktails can’t have the sophistication expected by the classics. Here are a couple of cocktails you can create with Irish whiskey.


This beverage is refreshing and sweet. Using Irish whiskey, sherry, lemon juice, ginger syrup, marmalade, and bitters, you mix the ingredients together with a hardy shake. Then strain the contents twice before pouring them over rock ice.

Some people also garnish the beverage with grated nutmeg.

You’ll end up with a sweet and refreshing cocktail which is perfect for a slow morning or during a bottomless brunch.

Good Cork

The first recipe we suggested is a detailed cocktail where the Irish whiskey can easily become lost. The drink is delicious, but it doesn’t make whiskey the star ingredient.

Time to turn that around.

All you need is Irish whiskey, mezcal, benedictine, and bitters. Simply stir the ingredients together with ice and strain into a fresh glass. Some people like to garnish this cocktail with a freshly sliced apple.

Good Cork has a bright amber glow, like the morning sun, and the additional flavors allow the Irish whiskey to shine. They enhance the flavors already presented while allowing the whiskey to take center stage.

The Good Cork is the Irish whiskey version of an Old Fashioned and should be treated with the same level of sophistication.


The best way to drink Irish whiskey is neat. This means that no additional ingredients are included, not even ice.

This is because the flavors are clean and crisp enough to be enjoyed without intervention. However, you can still create delicious cocktails such as Good Cork and McGlashan.

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