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How do I create a delivery radius on Google Maps?

Most people use Google Maps while looking for a navigation tool. You may use Google Maps for all your maritime needs, whether you need to find your way there, locate the best route, or look for a place closest to you. Google Maps has you covered.

It shows the route that travels between two sites in the shortest time, considering factors such as traffic, construction, accidents, and other difficulties. As a result, Google Maps is often regarded as one of the most effective delivery route planner.

Why is the function of Radius on Google Maps Necessary?

Data visualization using maps is standard practice. One method to assess the location data is to draw a radius around the point of interest. 

Companies offering delivery services can utilize the Google Maps radius feature to specify and showcase the service region. They are diverse enough to be used in a personal or professional setting.

The radius can help identify potential franchising opportunities because it can highlight the regions in which there are overlaps between the target company and the territories its rivals serve. In addition, it will highlight the areas surrounding hitherto undiscovered spots.

Plus, this will be useful for determining how long it takes to go to numerous destinations. Calculating how many locations you can see in a certain amount of time and picking the optimal route can be facilitated using a radius. 

With that, let's look at how you can create a radius on Google Maps.

How to Show Radius on Google Maps

Since Google Maps does not provide this functionality, you cannot calculate the distance between two locations using the map service. You can, however, determine the distance between two or more sites by measuring the distance between them.

Here are some of the tools that you can use to show radius on Google Maps: 

Alternative Tool

There are tools made available by a third party, such as CalcMaps and Maps. i.e., to establish a radius on Google Maps, for example. 

The following is a guide on how to utilize CalcMaps:

  • Go to CalcMaps.

  • Click on Radius.

  • Select Draw a Circle.

  • Now select the area around which you want to draw the radius.

  • Use the drop-down from the Radius KM tab to adjust the size of the radius.

  • Click OK when you are done.

Utilizing CalcMaps, a radius can be drawn on Google Maps in this way. operates comparably, albeit with maps that contain less detail.

You should sign up for an account and make a map when using some of these resources or generate the necessary radius after inputting pertinent information into the respective fields, such as the address or location. 

Note that most auxiliary programs have different radius settings and can be incorporated with Google Maps.

Using CirclePlot

In contrast to Google Maps, the above tool can calculate a radius around a given location. Therefore, is it possible to generate a radius on Google Maps? The answer is yes.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Go to Google My Maps. Click on Create a new Map then search the area around which you need the radius and hit enter.

  2. Now, click on Add to Map and copy the latitude.

  3. Open CirclePlot, enter the Latitude then copy the Longitude from My Maps so you can paste it into the Latitude.

  4. Set the circle radius of as many radii as you need and click on Create KML File.

  5. Next, save it on your device and go back to Google Maps.

  6. Click on Add Layer.

  7. Select Import.

  8. Click on the KML file and select Open.

On your Google Maps, you will be able to view the radius. This is another simple option when you want to make a radius on Google Maps.

Map Radius Tool

The Google Maps radius tool allows you to calculate the distance from the map's center to a given circle. You can carry out proximity analysis with the help of the location data. 

Also, you have the option of calculating the distance between particular map points or analyzing the problems that exist within several data points.

Verify that the tool you're utilizing serves your purpose. For instance, to define the territories assigned to the sales team and the boundaries within those territories, you will require a tool that provides different radius possibilities. 

Ultimately, a Google Maps radius tool that lets you define regions is essential for consumer profile analysis.


So, we have now walked you through creating a radius on Google Maps and discussed the factors that should be considered while selecting radius software. Incorporate the radius into your data analysis as necessary at this time. 

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