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How Do Athletics Programs Support Your Child's Lifestyle?

Playing sports as a child is a great American tradition, but getting young people involved in athletic programs does more than just help them feel connected to their roots. Sports programs also come with a whole host of other benefits that can support an active, healthy lifestyle.

Some parents are hesitant to enroll their kids in after-school athletic programs due to fears about injuries or extensive time commitments. However, the benefits of letting a child participate in sports far outweigh these risks. Read on to find out how a good athletics program can help to support a healthy lifestyle in childhood to see why.

Keep Kids Moving

Enrolling a child in a Boys and Girls Club athletics program is a great way to encourage a more active lifestyle. Playing sports can help to combat childhood obesity, build muscle, develop endurance, strengthen bones, and even fight depression and anxiety. People can develop a more active lifestyle at any age, but encouraging regular, fun exercise in childhood is the best way for parents to make sure their kids grow to be healthy, physically fit adults.

Help Develop a Sense of Sportsmanship

Some parents are afraid to involve their children in sports programs because they are concerned about the competitive atmosphere. While there are always winners and losers in sports games, that doesn't have to mean children will suffer. In fact, playing sports at a young age can help kids learn about sportsmanship, including how to overcome adversity and respond appropriately to both stress and inevitable losses.

Encourage Teamwork

The ability to work effectively with others isn't just an essential part of playing team sports. It's also a vital life skill. Participating in sports programs helps kids develop communication skills and an appreciation for what it's like to feel a sense of community and shared accomplishments, helping them to develop interpersonal skills that will also apply to their future careers.

Build Confidence and Self-Esteem

Learning any kind of new skill is a great way to build self-esteem, and doing so in the context of team sports can help even more. Kids will develop meaningful relationships with their teammates and coaches, hone their skills, and gain confidence along the way. Young athletes don't need to dominate the field to build confidence, either. A good coach will encourage kids to support each other and push themselves both physically and mentally, which is great for developing self-esteem even if the team doesn't win every game.

Develop Key Social Skills

Kids who participate in after-school programs have the opportunity to develop key social skills. They'll meet a lot of people, both on the field and off it, and learn how to get along with and adapt to the needs of others. Remember, excelling at team sports isn't just about individual athletic ability. It also requires effective communication, conflict resolution skills, and the desire and ability to achieve shared goals.

Playing Sports Supports Healthy Childhood Development

As parents should see by now, enrolling kids in after-school athletics programs isn't just about teaching them how to play sports. Young athletes will also develop all kinds of key skills that can be applied to other areas of their life both in academia and future careers. All parents have to do now is find a reputable program in their neighborhood and sign their kids up.

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