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Home Relocation 101: How To Calculate Your Potential Cost Of Living

Relocating to another place can be exciting. You’ll be able to create new experiences or even give yourself a restart if you need it. On the other hand, moving to an unfamiliar place can be challenging as you’d need to adjust to your new community.

You need to factor in a number of things when transferring to another city, state, or country. One key consideration is the cost of living. The prices of commodities differ from one area to another. So, before you decide to move in, you must ensure you can afford a decent lifestyle in that new place.

What Is The Cost Of Living?

Your cost of living is the money you need to support your needs and lifestyle. Individuals and households have different spending habits as they have varying expenses to cover. The cost of living can also change depending on your location. Some places have higher rates for housing, basic goods, healthcare, and other necessities. So, take note of the value of products and services to estimate your required budget to sustain your needs effectively. If you plan to relocate to Japan, you may check the cost of living in Tokyo or other cities and provinces. 

How To Calculate Your Potential Cost Of Living

You may use online calculators to compute and compare living costs in different locations. But, to have a clearer and more accurate estimation of your potential spending based on your lifestyle, you may take the following steps.

1. List Down Your Expenses

Make a list of your needs and other expenditures to understand better how much you need to earn to maintain your lifestyle.

Start with your necessities, such as housing. Before moving in, decide whether to buy or rent a house. If you buy a house, expect insurance, mortgages, taxes, and other expenses to come with it. Renting is a more economical option.

Aside from housing, you’d also have other utilities to pay for, like electricity, water, and internet. In addition, other regular expenses include groceries, transportation, healthcare, and education. You must also account for the amount you spend on entertainment and other hobbies.

2. Do Your Research

The cost of living statistics of some states and cities are available online. You may check the local website of the place you’re relocating to if they have that information ready.

But if you’re looking for a more detailed view of how much it costs to live in a new location, you may ask around when you visit. Inspect neighborhoods and compare rental rates or homes if you plan to buy. Check the prices of basic commodities, such as food and toiletries.

It’s also crucial to assess the transportation costs, such as petrol or bus and train fares, if you plan to commute. You also need to know the rates of healthcare needs, such as insurance and medicines. If you’re moving with your children, check if public schools are nearby or how much private schools charge. 

3. Do The Math

The available calculators online use the cost of living indexes to compute the expense rates in different locations. However, these are only estimates.

You can do manual calculations using the formula to assess if you can sustain your current lifestyle in a new location. Just ensure that you have the necessary data. 

First, you need to know the difference between the indexes of your prospective and current locations. Then, divide the difference by the index of your current location. Convert the quotient to a percentage by multiplying it by 100. From there, you could assess how much you need to increase your income to maintain your lifestyle. If the cost of living in your new location is lower, you’ll unlikely need to adjust your spending habits.

By taking note of these tips, you can obtain a ballpark figure of the cost of living in your new location, allowing you to make all the necessary preparations.

How To Be Financially Ready To Relocate

Here are some tips to ensure you’re financially ready before you move in.

  • Check The Availability Of Jobs: If you’re relocating for a career opportunity, you might not have issues securing a job. But you need to check if jobs are available if you aren’t. Also, note that applying for a position can be challenging in some areas. Ensure you’ll have a job to earn enough income.

  • Assess Your Income: If the cost of living is higher in your new location, you may negotiate your salary or look for another career opportunity that sufficiently covers your needs.

  • Live Within Your Budget: Sustaining a certain lifestyle can be difficult if you’re moving to a place with a higher cost of living. Set a budget to ensure you live within your means. Review your expenses and see which ones you can cut or reduce.

Doing these things can help you prepare before moving to a new place.


Deciding when and where to move should take much consideration and preparation. Know the cost of living before moving to another place. Review your expenses and do your research. You may also use online tools to calculate your potential cost of living. 

Relocating may require a few lifestyle changes to live comfortably. Ensure you’re well-informed and prepared before moving to secure your needs and avoid drowning in debt.

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