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Home Elevators: Types, Costs And How Useful They Are In Your House

Elevators have been common from the early days, but mostly in offices and high-rise buildings. Over the years, they have gained popularity with the common folk. People have realized how these mechanisms can make their life easier not only in the office but also at home.

What Are the Different Types of Home Elevators?

There are many types of elevators to choose from when looking for a suitable elevator for your house. This is mainly defined by how the drive system is and the rise and fall of the cabin system. Cabin drive elevators are much more affordable than their pneumatic enabled counterparts. Hydraulic elevators, traction elevators, and chain-driven elevators fall in the mid-range in terms of cost.

These elevators form the basic five types of elevators. Different manufacturers have different styles and sizes of these types of elevators available to their customers. Some elevators are designed to fit tight spaces making sure that they occupy less space. At the same time, others are made big enough to accommodate mobility assistants like wheelchairs and even several people in. They are sized differently to accommodate your needs as a customer.

In any case, a home elevator should be tailor-made for your households, considering the available space, usage, and capacity. Today elevators can be made in such a manner that they integrate seamlessly into your house décor, in color and style.

Costs: How Much Will It Set You Back To Install An Elevator In Your Home?

Depending on the type of lift you choose to install in your house, the costs vary. The main determinants are:

  • The drive mechanism you choose.

  • The body design of the elevator.

  • Sizing according to purpose.

If you only need to move to the first floor of your house, the cost of such an elevator will be different from when you require to have a wheelchair accommodating equipment that moves to the third floor of your retirement castle. 

Below is an estimated cost breakdown of the different types of elevators available in the market today. Note that these are just estimates. They are supposed to give you a rough idea of the cost of the elevators. To get an actual price, reach out to a service provider near you to get a quotation of the cost of home lifts installation in your area. The service provider will then visit your house to check for measurements to determine the pricing. That way, you can explain to them the purpose of the lift, and in return, they will offer professional advice on what will best suit your needs:

  • Hydraulic elevators costs are estimated at $30,00-$40,000

  • Pneumatic elevators' cost estimates are about $50,000. They are easier to install and thereby relatively stable in pricing.

  • Chain drive elevators cost $25,000 when installed in new buildings. 

  • Cable drive elevator costs are approximated to $ 22,000 on average. They are the cheapest option compared to the other types of elevators like hydraulic and pneumatic driven elevators.

  • MRL elevators-also referred to as traction lifts, cost around $18,000-20,000$

The installation costs are highly dependent on the type of lift you choose as they require different types of infrastructures, averaging a range of $15,000-$20,000.

The costs take into account the site preparation involved in getting your house ready for installation to commence. These may include but are not limited to house decor, walling, extra structuring for the elevator driving mechanisms, and flooring.

Why You Should Install A Home Elevator In Your House

Having an elevator in your home is very advantageous, especially if you are in your old age or have complications with mobility. It eradicates the obstacle of not living in your dream penthouse because you have a knee problem, so you cannot climb stairs. 

But what are the benefits of installing an elevator in your home?

  1. More functional than stairs- no need to climb numerous stairs again and again.

  2. Elevators are safer to use than stairwells. They prevent the fatal falling incident

  3. They add more style to your house

  4. Elevators save more space-they use less space than stairs.

  5. Value addition to your property

An elevator is a complete lifesaver if you have elderly persons or even children on the homestead. Using an elevator, they can freely move around the house and enjoy living in your home. This should give you more reasons to get yourself one installed in your home.

Purchasing a home elevator is a perfect retirement gift for you or your partner.

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