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Here Is How You Can Improve Your Sleep Quality

Sleep is a physiological phenomenon that is not a stranger to anybody and eating and breathing is one of the most essential activities of man. 

The importance of sleep cannot be overemphasized as it is the condition that affords the mind and body the time to rest and replenish themselves. 

As a result of this, great care needs to be made to improve and maintain a high quality of sleep. This can be done by:

  • Getting The Right Mattress 

Getting the right mattress is a must if you want your sleep quality to be greatly improved. This is because the mattress you use is one of the most important factors that would determine whether you would sleep soundly or not. The reason for this is not far-fetched because the mattress is the platform and surface on which you would sleep and it is the level of comfort you get from it that would determine how well your sleep would be. 

As seen at, mattresses come in various shapes and sizes. Other things which distinguish mattresses can be the thickness and level of hardness or softness of the mattress. Everyone has the type of mattress that works for them based on these attributes of mattresses. Thus it is pertinent for you to find the mattress that works for you and ensure it is of the highest quality. This would go a long way in ensuring that the quality of your sleep improves. 

  • Turning Off Your Social Media Notifications 

If you want to improve the quality of your sleep, you need to get off social media before you go to bed. This is important because social media can be highly distracting and time-wasting. If you leave your social media notifications on when going to bed, chances are that when you are finally about to truly fall asleep, your phone can just begin to beep with notifications from social media. Before you know it you would find yourself chatting with friends or scrolling around liking pictures on social media and by the time you finally sleep, you could have spent over three hours online. This can greatly reduce your sleep time and when done regularly can greatly affect your sleep quality. Thus if you want to improve your sleep quality, you would need to get off social media and turn off your notifications before you go to bed. 

  • Eating At The Right Time 

Eating at the right time is underrated sleeping advice. Some might wonder, what does the time I eat have to do with the quality of my sleep? Well, the quality of your sleep and the time you eat are related to the fact that the presence of food in the stomach can give someone who is sleeping a certain level of discomfort. 

As a result, it is generally advisable that one makes a conscious effort to eat his last meal for the day a couple of hours before sleeping so that he does not experience any level of discomfort when sleeping by virtue of the food he ate.

  • Clearing Your Mind Before Sleeping 

We have all been in that situation where we are trying so hard to sleep but we just can't because we feel very restless. One of the things that cause us to be restless when trying to sleep is our mind. This happens when our mind is still actively thinking about so many things such as the events that happened during the day, the events planned out for tomorrow, and the things left undone. All these can no doubt cause a lot of upheaval in the mind and make it too restless for one to sleep. Thus it is of utmost importance that before you sleep you do everything possible to clear your mind so you can sleep peacefully. 

  • Sleeping On Time 

The number of hours recommended for a regular adult to sleep is between six and eight hours. Thus for a regular working individual, the ideal time to go to bed is between 10-12 PM. Going to bed beyond this time is a risky endeavor exposing the individual to a reduced quality of sleep. 

The quality of your sleep is too important to be taken lightly. Poor sleeping habits can be highly detrimental to the body and mind. For you to continue to function at the highest level, you need to follow these instructions and improve your sleep quality. 

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