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Handy Tips On How To Make Your Apartment Space More Pet-Friendly

For many, our pets are part of the family, for those without families, they are the family. Pets can present a problem for your apartment and your furniture, however, or rather, your apartment can present a problem to your pet [depending on how you look at it]. Our pets can injure themselves quite easily and destroy our furniture. In this article, we will present to you a few handy tips on how you can make your apartment more pet-friendly, while still preserving the quality of your furniture. By the end of this page, you will know exactly how to pet-proof your apartment and how you can make it a safe and comfortable environment for your pets.

So, if you are interested in how you can make your apartment more pet-friendly, here’s a guide on how you can do that, brought to you by the experts.

Pet-Proof Your Sofa

Shopping for a sofa with a pet can be difficult. We worry not only about our pet’s destroying the sofa but also, according to the furniture experts of, about them leaving hair all over it. There are ways, however, that you can pet-proof your sofa, not just for you, but for them. If you constantly scream and shout at them every single time they go anywhere near the sofa, they will grow to hate it, they may intentionally destroy it, or may just not feel comfortable. However, you can wrap your sofa in a protective plastic shrink that will protect the sofa from dirt, hair, and claws, while still enabling them to lie on it over a blanket. Instead of using a plastic bag, a washable pet blanket would be a better option. It's better to give your pets a blanket that can provide warmth, comfort, and coziness than using a plastic bag. Plus, a portable blanket can also serve as great belonging for your dog to use wherever he/she may go.

Cover Up Cables

As anyone with a puppy or kitten will know, cables can be very dangerous. Our pets innocently try to chew cables, which if they are successful in doing, can be fatal. You must cover up cables and never allow your pet to sniff around or go anywhere near them, for this intrigue can turn deadly. Many pets have electrocuted themselves by chewing through live cables. The cables you do have lying around [television, etc], you can put a protective wrap on them that can keep pets out.

Play Areas

This point is really only for cats, for dogs are far too large to have their own play area. You cannot take a cat on a walk [although with that said, some people genuinely do]. Dogs, however, can go out on walks. Because of that, a cat in an apartment who naturally will be an indoor cat [unless you live on the first floor] will still need to burn off energy. Providing a play area and climbing frame for your cat is very important so that they can spend their energy and enjoy their time in their home.

Vases, Bottles, and Mugs

Leaving glass objects unattended when you have pets in the house is a recipe for disaster. Keep glass objects in a separate room to where the pets are, or high up on a shelf where they cannot get them. Given the chance, your pets will knock the glass, vase, or mug off and destroy it. This can be very dangerous and they may get glass in their paws, which could have to be surgically removed. Do not leave these materials around for your pet to find, for it can be very dangerous.

Open Windows

If you live high up in an apartment building, open windows are very dangerous. It will take your cat or dog only a second to see a bird outside that interests them, launch for it, and go straight out of the window. To prevent this from happening, do not open windows when your pets are in the room; put them in a cage; lock them in their carrier, or you can put up metal grates on the windows for when you are opening them which will allow air in but keep your pet out [or in, however you want to put it].


Secure your television if you do not want it to be knocked over and smashed into million pieces. Yes, our pets seem to have an affinity for destroying our televisions. Whether they be trying to climb on it, jump at it, or play with it, they seem to be very good at destroying televisions. To prevent this, keep your television on a platform with plenty of room so that they cannot push it off of the surface, and perhaps leave a blanket or duvet beneath it in your absence so that if they are successful in knocking it off, that it lands on a soft covering.

With the help of this page, you now know how you can pet-proof your apartment. Living in an apartment with pets can be difficult, but with this page, it just got a whole lot easier. We hope this page was of benefit to you.

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