Off The MRKT

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Habits to Kick When You're Pursuing a Healthy Lifestyle

We all tend to indulge in habits or behaviour that is detrimental to our overall health and wellbeing every once in a while. Perhaps we allow ourselves excess sugar over a given holiday. Maybe we revel in lazy behaviour on a special occasion. But it’s important that we live life in moderation and that we only engage in unhealthy treats or days off occasionally. There are certain habits out there that simply cannot be incorporated into a healthy and productive lifestyle. Consequently, you need to stop engaging with these habits if you intend to pursue a healthy and productive lifestyle. Here are a couple that you should consider tackling as soon as possible.


Smoking and a healthy lifestyle can’t go hand in hand. It’s simply impossible. Cigarettes and rolling tobacco contain all sorts of toxins and pollutants that you really shouldn’t be putting into your body. If you do smoke, this can have seriously detrimental impacts on your overall health and wellbeing. Smoking, after all, is linked to life threatening diseases such as cancer and heart disease, it can cause respiratory issues, it can stain your nails, dull your hair, and cause a whole host of other problems. So, it’s time to kick this habit to the curb. Now, this is easier said than done. After all, tobacco tends to contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance. However, there are plenty of options out there that can help you. Vaping is an increasingly popular alternative to smoking cigarettes. Essentially, you inhale water vapour rather than smoke, which has fewer health consequences. There are also various different vape juice flavours on the market, which can make vaping a preferable experience to smoking. Besides vaping, you can make use of nicotine replacement products. These supply your body with nicotine, cutting out the need to smoke cigarettes, and allowing you to wean yourself off the addictive substance without continuing to put damaging substances into your body. To get started today, you can contact your doctor who will be able to come up with a plan to help you quit for good!


Now, so far we’ve focused on relatively addictive substances. But it’s important to bear in mind that all habits don’t necessarily revolve around things we consume. There are certain behavioural habits that can prove detrimental to our overall health and wellbeing too! Procrastination is just one of them. Now, procrastination is the action of purposely delaying or postponing something that you really should get around to doing. This is generally because it isn’t enjoyable or requires too much effort. If you are a procrastinator who wants to lead a healthier lifestyle, you may put dieting off, arguing that you might as well have one more piece of junk food or one more unhealthy meal and start tomorrow. But a lot of the time, tomorrow never comes and you continue eating in an unhealthy manner. It’s important that you don’t give yourself any excuses and start preparing and eating healthy meals straight away. Try not to take an all or nothing approach. This will help you to ease yourself into your new lifestyle. Try having healthy meals with a couple of treats throughout the rest of the day. Then slowly start replacing the treats with healthier alternatives. This isn’t as daunting, and may put the anxieties that result in procrastination at rest. Procrastinators may also put off signing up to the gym, convincing yourself that now is an inconvenient time and you will sign up next week when you are paid, the week after when you don’t have any social commitments. Bear in mind that you should make your gym regime fit into your lifestyle, rather than trying to make your lifestyle revolve around a gym regime. Find a facility that opens early and closes late, so you have no excuse to put off visiting - you can literally turn up as and when you please, around your other life commitments.

These are just two unhealthy habits that could prove problematic if you intend to pursue a truly healthy and productive lifestyle. Sure, they may affect your overall health and wellbeing in completely different ways, but both are things that you can take steps to remove from your life. So, start making changes today!

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