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Grooming Tips to Keep Your Dog Healthy During the Cold, Wet Months

Dog owners tend to think that dogs do not need regular grooming in the winter months. Instead of grooming, you should allow your dog's coat to grow long so that it stays warm, right? Unfortunately, it does not really work that way.

Dog grooming is incredibly important to the health of your dog in the cold and wet months. In fact, dog enthusiasts from say that long and matted hair makes for a cold and infection-susceptible dog.

Luckily, caring for your pet's coat is easier than it might seem. If you want to learn more about it, check out the rest of this article! Here, you will find a list of top grooming tips that will help keep your canine companion happy and healthy!

Protect Your Dog's Paws

Your dog's paw pads are sensitive, and it really shows in the cold weather. The low temperatures, snow, rain, and mud can cause a number of problems, such as cracked pads, infections, and irritation.

Luckily, protecting dog paws is not that hard. You just need to make feet wiping routine and be on the lookout for balls of snow and mud between the pads. In addition to that, you can buy a paw balm and coat it on your dog's paws before walks. Investing in sturdy dog boots is an option, too!

Dry Your Dog After Bathing It

In order to keep your dog healthy, you should ensure that it is completely dry after bathing it before you let it go outside. It is particularly important when it comes to small and short-haired breeds, which are susceptible to drops in body temperature.

If you tend to let your dog air dry, it is recommended that you speed up the process by blow-drying. If your dog is not eager to be blow-dried, you can feed it treats while the dryer is running. That way, the dog will feel much more comfortable!

Think About a Winter Haircut

It might not seem like it, but giving your dog a haircut in the cold weather is a great thing to do! Your dog does need its coat to keep warm, but it is not like it lives outdoors - it is more likely to be sitting in your heated house. Because of that, it no longer needs to rely on a thick undercoat and long fur for warmth like wild animals do.

If you can tell that your dog is cold on outings, go for a longer trim. Other than that, you can buy a thick doggie sweater that is easy to get on and off. That way, your dog will stay warm, and you will not have to struggle to get it dressed.

Keep Your Dog Moisturized

Human skin tends to get dry in the cold winter months, and your dog’s skin can get dry, too! In order to keep it happy and healthy, you might want to start giving it moisturizing baths. To do it, you will need a highly moisturizing, non-drying shampoo. 

In addition to that, you should look for a dog-friendly lotion and conditioner, which will ease irritation and scratchiness. If you are looking for a safe and affordable moisturizer, coconut oil should do the trick. Humans have been using it for centuries to soothe dry skin, and it is just as useful for dogs!

Brush Regularly

If your dog is untrimmed, its extra-thick winter coat needs to be brushed on a regular basis. It will help keep your dog healthy, as it will allow you to remove dirt, tangles, and dead hair, as well as detect signs of illness like sores, bumps, and lumps.

Long-haired breeds, such as Tibetan Terriers and Collies, should be brushed using a pin brush. Its bristles grip the undercoat, allowing for getting rid of loose hairs without causing pain. You can use a metal comb to tease out any mats.

On the other hand, short-coated dogs like Greyhounds should be brushed using a grooming glove/rubber brush, while short and wiry breeds like Terriers and Dachshunds should be brushed using a metal comb.

Trim Your Dog's Nails

Winter weather is likely to cause your dog to stop enjoying long walks and playing outside. Because of that, it will not have a way to wear its nails down, meaning that you will need to take care of that on your dog’s behalf. 

It is easy to tell when your dog's nails need trimming, but doing it monthly is a great idea. In order to do it quickly and efficiently, you should get your hands on a pair of dog nail clippers/a dog nail grinder. It is up to you!

Pay Attention to Your Dog's Ears

Lastly, it is important that you pay attention to your dog's ears. While ear pests might not be that big of an issue in cold temperatures, the cold might end up aggravating a number of chronic ear conditions, such as otitis.

In Conclusion

This concludes our list of winter grooming tips! To sum up, you will need to provide your pooch with the proper grooming it deserves and pay attention to its ears, as well as keep its skin moisturized and make paw wiping a routine.

Caring for your dog during the cold and wet months can be time-consuming, but your dog's health and happiness are definitely worth the hassle. However, if you really do not have the energy and time to do it on your own, looking for an experienced dog groomer is always a viable option!

If you do not know how to choose a professional dog groomer, you should start by asking your friends and family members for recommendations. Other than that, if you see a dog on the street and really like its style, you can ask its owner about where it was groomed. Doing that should help you find an experienced and talented dog groomer in no time!

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