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Give Your Hotel And Edge In A Busy Market With 2 Moves

Many people go to hotels to celebrate major milestones in life or to create new memories. More often than not, these people are on the lookout for affordable hotels in major cities like Seattle or New York. By helping them achieve these objectives, you can make your hotels their dream destination when they need to celebrate.

If looking to give your establishment an edge in the market, make sure to adapt with the current hospitality industry trends. For example, you can't go wrong with a hotel mini-fridge or minibar in the rooms. Guests staying with you, especially in the summer, will appreciate having a cold drink handy. More than that, it saves the guest the need to head to the bar to grab a drink. Affording guests such conveniences are some of the proven ways tostay ahead of the curvein a tight market.

Learn your customers

Unless there are business travelers, people only stay in hotels during special occasions. They might be on holiday, a weekend getaway, celebrating an anniversary, honeymoon, anything. Improve their experience and effort to create beautiful memories, and you're a winner.

In the hotel industry, your ability to attract repeat customers is a significant advantage. It lowers your customer acquisition costs and keeps your occupancy levels high. Try to learn as much as you can about your target client as it makes it easier to anticipate and meet their every wish. In turn, they will always pick your services over the competition.

Ask for feedback

While asking your clients to evaluate your services might not always leave you with the best impression, it is crucial forbusiness growth. It offers insights about your business from the eyes of the consumers. Remember, you are in the business of serving their needs; hence you might have to grit teeth through the bad feedbacks.

Instead of writing off the bad reviews, investigate the circumstances under which they occurred, and make the necessary corrections. With time, you will not only improve service delivery, but you'll have a few recurrent thorny issues. Of course, you can use positive feedback as an insight into what your guests love and to market your services.

Catering to the wishes and experiences of the guests in your hotel or establishment, you gain an edge on the market. Again, identifying weak spots in service delivery lets you improve and eliminate them

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