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Gear You Should Own If You Are An Avid Hunter

Are you an avid hunter? Whether you are the type of hunter who rejoices in single-shot or the type of hunter that enjoys gaming with a dog on your side, some wind detectors on, or with range finders with you, an appropriate gear can enhance your work. If hunting is your hobby, it can be more fun with the perfect gear. There are some essentials that every hunter must have. While you may not always carry all the items to the field at one particular activity, owning them can make you feel confident and always prepared to hunt. A complete gear can make your hunting very successful. Check out the gear you should own if you are an avid hunter:

Appropriate Weaponry

This is the most essential gear any avid hunter should have. Remember without a weapon there is no hunt. If you hunt with guns; shotguns, rifles, or handguns, ensure you have them in your hunting bag. Likewise, if you prefer hunting with muzzleloaders, have them in your bag.  You will need to use them at that particular time of the year when your state recommends that it is the best time for muzzleloader hunting. If you hunt using archery and bows, choose your most preferred bow type whether it is the recurve bow, compound bow, or longbow. Based on the information on this website, it is vital that you choose a perfect weapon based on the game you hunt. For deers, you can have a bow as it can help you get a clean kill. Such other factors to consider are; the proximity you should have to kill your target, the animal’s sense of smell, hearing, and sense of sight too. With the perfect weapon, your gaming can be thrilling. Maintain your weapon and always have them ready for a game.

Performance Enhancing Apparel

If you can best kill your target animal with the help of scent-reduction and noise reduction apparel, get an ideal one. There is apparel designed for particular hunting environments. You can have an orange-lined vest so that it can signal other hunters of your presence in the wild and consequently enhance your safety. Put on hunting pants and reflector jackets that can give you maximum comfort in the field and also make it easy for your fellow hunters to spot you in case you have an accident. Ensure your apparel is balanced for easy camouflage when needed. Further, you should confirm your state hunting regulations to understand the specific color of apparel you should wear while going for certain hunts. You should know which season requires you to have a decoy or a call and arm yourself with either.

An Emergency Kit

As a hunter, you should be prepared for anything in the wild. You can accidentally bump into carnivorous animals or get hit by a stone or you can run out of food and water. Having an emergency kit at hand can save you at such a time. Ensure your kit is comprehensive of everything you might need. Have some basic first aid items like alcohol wipes, pain-relieving medication, moleskin, a pair of gloves, and a medical tape. Include a splint in your kit, a tourniquet, some tweezers, a gauze, and its pads, and an emergency blanket. You can also have extras like a CPR mask to protect yourself from coming into contact with fluids that you suspect can be infectious, a chest seal in case you have abdominal injuries or cuts in the arteries or veins, and some hemostatic agents to stop bleeding too. You can never be too prepared on a hunting trip. To make you feel more at ease in the wilderness, you could educate yourself online in some of the crucial life-saving skills such as BLS and be prepared for any emergency.


Should you choose to be a hunter, then you have to give it your best. Some essentials like binoculars which can help you locate the location of your target animal can help you save time and hit your day’s target. Particularly if you are a long-range rifle hunter, you need binoculars. Besides it, you can have a GPS location to direct you and help you keep track of your location lest you get lost in the wild. You can also opt for a monocular as relying on your scope as a sighting tool may not be accurate. You can also have some GPS hunting apps on your phone to facilitate your locating of your target animals.


Whether you are going hunting in a car or on foot, having a flashlight is extremely important. If you have to track a wounded animal and darkness is approaching, your flashlight will help you a lot. To ensure this works well for you, test your flashlight before you leave for the wild otherwise you can get disappointed at the point when you really need some lighting. You should also have some extra batteries in your hunting bag in case anything happens.

Have a Leatherman Gear

A leatherman never goes to the wild without a needle-nose pair of pliers and a swiss pocket army knife. Have some screwdrivers, can and bottle openers, and files handy in case you need to use them in the field. You might need your pocket knife to dig out holes for preparing your stakes, to cut down tree branches for shelter, and even for skinning a successfully harvested animal. Always have an extra knife in your emergency kit in case one fails. There are also different hunting knives designed for specific purposes so choose carefully.

Hunting can be more fun if you have the right gear with you when you need it. Some hunting gear is designed for certain hunting seasons and for different games too. Having all the gear that any avid hunter would require at any point in their hunting career, can help you feel confident and always prepared to go to the wild. Have some trail cameras with you as they can help you gather data on the specific species you target to hunt. Stock up some stands and ground blinds as they can help you hide from prey. Rain gear is also vital in case the weather changes unexpectedly. Rain should not stop your gaming. Think like a leatherman and own everything a leatherman should have. Finally, ensure you have all the food stock and water you need for an entire hunting season. Stay informed on your state-recommended hunting gear. 

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