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Four Safety Tips For A More Secure Gym Experience

Going to the gym was a privilege that you took for granted before the coronavirus pandemic. Now that they're open again and you're allowed to go back, it's essential that you keep your safety, and that of other gym-goers, in mind. Jumping back into your workouts headfirst is tempting, yet it's not responsible considering what has happened in the past five months.

Of course, you need to be wary of COVID, something that you never had to think about at the gym. However, it's also vital that you don't emphasize the virus too much and forget about other essential safety precautions. After all, a gym is a dangerous place, and it's even riskier when you're rusty and haven't been for a couple of months.

With that in mind, here are the general safety tips you should keep in mind, as well as the COVID-19-related issues.

Use One Piece Of Equipment

Staying six feet away from your fellow exercisers is going to be tough, particularly if your gym is busy. Hopefully, your establishment of choice will take the necessary precautions, but if you're feeling a little close, you can reduce the risk of spreading or catching the virus by only using a single piece of equipment.

Although it sounds counterproductive, you can get creative and use one machine for a variety of activities. Take a treadmill as an example. Rather than running for thirty-minutes, you can mix up your session by performing interval sprints. If you add weights to your pockets or sneakers, you will utilize your muscles, too.

Of course, remember to wipe down the surfaces when you're done with paper towels and antibacterial spray. Also, try to avoid wiping sweat away. If you're someone who sweats profusely, please take a cloth that you can wash.

Don't Skip The Warm Up/Cool Down

It's been a while! In your haste to crack on and pick up where you left off, you hop on the first piece of equipment that's free and hit it hard. Within minutes, you have to stop because your muscles and joints are aching. Yep, you're experiencing pain because you didn't warm up correctly.

You should never skip the pre-workout routine, whether you're exercising during normal times or a lockdown. Thankfully, you can take care of the warm up at home or in the car park before entering the building if you want to minimize contact with other people. Not only do these activities prevent injuries, but they also boost your workout, something that will come in handy after weeks of being stuck inside doing nothing!

The same logic applies to the cool down. It only takes five minutes, but stretching thoroughly will ensure that there are fewer aches and pains in the morning. Considering that you haven't gone hard in a long time, there are bound to be DOMS!

Ditch The Earbuds

Music has and always will be a staple of gyms around the world. Pumping up your favorite tunes is an excellent way to motivate your body and brain to work harder and not stop. All you have to do is pick the songs correctly and they could encourage you to exercise at a greater intensity for longer periods. Great!

However, there are downsides. For one thing, you won't be able to hear instructions from the gym workers. Usually, this wouldn't be a problem, but during a health crisis, it's crucial that you follow the rules at all times. Plus, blasting music into your ears can lead to hearing problems, and untreated hearing loss is an ailment that will impact your life. It's amazing how many people suffer from tinnitus due to not treating overly loud music with respect.

Currently, earbuds are unnecessary safety hazards.

Make Gradual Increases

The best safety tip of the lot is to make gradual increases in your workout regime. If you used to bench a couple of hundred pounds, what's the likelihood you can do it now? If you once ran ten kilometers in under fifty minutes, will you be able to keep up the same intensity? Mostly, the answers are no as the lockdown has stopped you from exercising as thoroughly.

Therefore, it's smart to start small and work your way up to your previous targets. Don't see it as backsliding because it isn't your fault. You couldn't help a pandemic! Instead, view it as an opportunity to work hard and enjoy the novelty of working out in a gym.

You'll soon return to your previous level of fitness, and that's when you can go even harder.

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