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First Aid Skills To Learn For Your Home

There will (unfortunately) most likely come a time when you will be called upon to act in an emergency situation at home. From burns to falls, electric shocks, allergic reactions, and cuts and bruises, knowing basic first aid can save a life, because seconds matter when the gauntlet has been thrown.

Here are a few essential first aid skills that you must know.


You will hear this over and over again, but there is no better skill to learn confidently and effectively, quite like CPR. When someone is unconscious and not breathing, they’re basically ‘dead’ to all intents and that means that the only thing you can do for them, is to try and resuscitate them using CPR. 

The chest compressions that accompany this skill ensure that oxygen-rich blood circulates around the body and keeps oxygen supply to essential organs like the heart and brain in good supply until the professionals arrive.

There’s a handy video guide, here. These are one special skill you need for an infant, so take the time to get to know how to do this by getting an Online CPR training, if you have kids at home.


No, you absolutely must never apply butter or any oily substance to a burn. We’ll say it again: absolutely never. Think about it, when you’re cooking, what do you use? Exactly. The only thing to do to treat a burn at home is to get the affected area under a cold faucet as quickly as possible - and then leave that cold water running for as long as possible. If you have an anti-burn blanket or wrap, then go ahead and apply that but if not - then cold water is your best friend until help arrives.


Dressings, bandages, scissors, tape, surgical tape, gloves, instant cold packs are all essentials, but the list doesn’t stop there and you can find a comprehensive list of contents in this article.


Now, for the most part, these injuries when experienced at home are fortunately not going to be too serious, but you’ll still need to treat them correction to prevent infections or further damage. Disinfect the wound, dress it appropriately (you’ll be grateful for that first aid kit around about now), and remember to keep your ‘patient’ calm. Children can be especially prone to shock when seeing their own blood, and even some adults for that matter.  Lidocaine cream is not a bad thing to keep around either.


Practicing overall good healthcare at home is a good place to start when it comes to the prevention of injuries and illness, but accidents can and will happen of course. Knowledge is power, so spread it around. Teach your whole family the importance of first aid and take a group lesson on how to administer the Heimlich Maneuver and other anti-choking measures.

Educate your family on the smart use of electricity and keep those unused plugs sealed with safe plug insertions and of course, keep those appliances away from baths.

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