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Fantastic Indoor Sports to Play this Winter

With summer gradually turning to autumn and trees beginning to yellow, winter will soon be upon us. In a matter of months, it will be bitterly cold, our heating will be on, and rather than venturing out, we will be staying indoors. The majority of our summer was spent indoors dealing with the lockdown imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and now our winters too. There are, however, some very fun and fantastic indoor sports that you can play this winter to keep yourself fit and healthy and to have a good time. Sitting indoors all of the time is not good for your health, mental and physical. This page will tell you some fantastic indoor sports for you to play this winter. Even if you’re not a sportsman, you should get out (or rather in) and get involved. Sports keep you healthy, strong, and happy.

Here are some fantastic indoor sports to play this winter.

Ping Pong

Ping pong is a very fun indoor sport that is kind of like miniature tennis. Ping pong is a sport played all around the world, and a sport that is revered and loved. If you have never played the game before, it consists of ping pong tables with a net dividing two halves of it (like a tiny tennis court). Two players stand with one on each side of the table and hold small rackets. With these rackets, they hit tiny balls, called ping pong balls, as they would tennis balls, across the court at one another. Ping pong is very fast-paced and can be a lot of fun when you get into the swing of it. It can be a difficult sport to master, but when you have, is very rewarding, and can provide you with hours and hours of fun!


Swimming is a sport that while you can swim outdoors, it is much more fun to swim in a heated pool indoors. Swimming pools are largely reopening now, with global lockdown restrictions being reduced. Swimming pools can keep you very healthy and are a very powerful cardiovascular workout. If one consistently goes swimming, they will become much stronger, fitter, and healthier. Swimming is a sport that is very good for you and is one that everybody should do more often. If you have a local swimming pool near you, consider going swimming this winter. You won’t regret it!

Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is an indoor sport that is enjoyed by many people from all around the world. Rock climbing is not the first sport you would think of when you think of indoor sports, and while it is a rather specialized sport, it is still one that can be a lot of fun, and one that can be very healthy and good for you. Rock climbing sessions are usually quite inexpensive, and while it is a sport that is not for the faint-hearted, it is one that can be exhilarating and really get your heart pumping.


Netball is a fun indoor sport that is popular all around the world. Two teams of seven people compete to get a higher score. A point is gained by passing a ball through a wall-mounted net. The sport is much like basketball, except in netball, you are unable to move when you have the ball in your hand. Netball is a lot of fun and very engaging and exciting, it is a great way to make friends and a wonderful way to spend your afternoons or evenings after you finish work. Try it out if you are looking for a new, exciting sport.


Badminton is another sport, very popular all around the world, that can be played outdoors, but is most often played indoors. Badminton is a sport that is essentially just tennis played with a different type of projectile. Badminton can be played in doubles or singles and requires only a court. Most gymnasiums or indoor recreational centres will likely have courts that are fit for badminton playing. Tennis cannot often be played indoors, but badminton because the projectile is much softer, can. If you haven’t played badminton already, then now might be the time to start.


Squash is a game where four people compete for points. You hit the ball off of the walls and surfaces of the room you are in. The sport can quickly work up a sweat and get your heart pumping as you narrowly avoid being hit by the ball.

Now, with the help of this page, you know a few fantastic indoor sports to play this winter. Most of them require another person, although some you can play alone. Be sure to get active and fit this winter – don’t let your fitness wane because of an absence of sun.

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