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Everything A Perfect Gentleman Needs To Know In One Place

Being a perfect gentleman is an ideal, a goal to set yourself for life. As most people know, practice makes perfect, so as long as you are constantly looking for ways to improve and work on your gentlemanliness then you are already most of the way there. This article aims to tell you everything you need to know about how to be a perfect gentleman, in one place. 

Keep Yourself Well Groomed

One of the most important, albeit superficial elements of being a perfect gentleman is that you are well-groomed. You have to put your best foot forward and make sure that you scrub up nicely. As mentioned by Rooftop squad, having a skin and hair care regime is super important for being a perfect gentleman. You need to make sure that your skin, hair, and facial hair are on point at all times. This is the first step towards being the perfect gentleman.  

Personal Hygiene Is Key

Following on from the superficial appearance of cleanliness, you also need to be on top of your personal hygiene. You don’t imagine a true gentleman with bad body odor, do you? Dressing appropriately for the weather should ensure that you don’t get too hot in summer and never find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Keeping breath mints handy can also be a good idea to make sure that your breath is always fresh. Having good personal hygiene is key to being a perfect gentleman. 

Always Be On Time

Making someone wait is considered very rude in the gentleman’s code. You do not have to always be very early for appointments but making sure that you are there on time, if not a few minutes before is a good habit to get into. Especially if you are on a date and trying to impress with your best chivalry, ensure that you are not late. If this is something that you find difficult, just get a friend to set all of your watches a few minutes early but don’t let them tell you how much they changed them by. Always being on time is crucial to being a perfect gentleman. 

A Gentleman Never Tells

Gossiping can be fun but it is definitely not a gentlemanly thing to do. Although talking behind someone’s back and gossiping are not always considered to be the same thing, in terms of a gentleman’s etiquette they should be regarded as an equal sin. Maintaining an aloof and casual demeanor can be difficult when trying to be the perfect gentleman so don’t be too hard on yourself. Let your own character come through as much as you want, but ensure that you don’t end up falling into negative habits. Not gossiping is all about making sure that you are never mean to anyone, which is a desirable quality in a gentleman. Doing your best to never gossip is a good way to become the perfect gentleman.

Be Kind And Considerate

Working hand in hand with not gossiping is being kind and considerate. Hopefully, this shouldn’t be too hard for you but sometimes it is important to put the extra effort in. Sometimes you might think of saying something nice but hold back for no real reason. Try to catch yourself and think about the last time you actually paid that person a compliment. Learning to listen to other people’s feelings and making them feel heard is an integral part of being a perfect gentleman. Kindness and consideration go a long way in a person’s gentlemanliness. 

You Can Dance

This is a very old-school traditional gentlemanly quality, but a true gentleman should know how to dance. You should feel at ease with moving your body on the dance floor and ideally have some experience in formal dancing. What’s more, dancing can be really fun and not something that you should try to avoid. This can be an opportunity for you to show your fun side as well as demonstrating a certain level of skill if it happens to be a more formal setting. Being quietly confident in your dancing ability is vital in becoming the perfect gentleman. 

Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say

Saying what you mean and meaning what you say should be the standard motto for all people. Sometimes it is hard to express your emotions but that is no reason for not trying. Hiding behind false pretenses and leading people on is most ungentlemanly. Having the strength of your convictions and being able to be decisive is an important quality in a true gentleman. Of course, you should not be blinded by certainty and make sure to always keep an open mind to new ideas. Knowing what you think, saying what you mean, and meaning what you say is a standard practice of a perfect gentleman.

Learn How To Cook

Although this might sound like an odd requirement to being a perfect gentleman, being able to cook is an attractive quality in anyone. You don’t have to be a knockout chef but knowing how to make a few dishes well, shows several gentlemanly qualities. Firstly, it shows that you can look after yourself and have taken the time to learn how to make tasty food. It also shows a certain amount of creativity, as well as being able to follow instructions correctly. Learning how to cook can be the final string to your perfect gentleman’s bow. 

All You Need To Know

Being a perfect gentleman takes a lot of effort and a lot of practice. It is a constant work in progress and something that you may not be able to ever feel like you’ve completed. It is a good aspiration to have and something that doesn’t have many downsides. To be a perfect gentleman you should; keep yourself well-groomed, maintain good personal hygiene, always be on time, never gossip, be kind and considerate, learn how to dance, say what you mean and mean what you say, and learn how to cook. If you manage all of these things then you must be the perfect gentleman. 

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