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Effective Ways To Get All The Nutrients You Need

In order to be as healthy as possible, you obviously need to make sure that you are getting all of the nutrients you need in your daily diet. But it can be hard to know exactly what these are, how much of them you need, and how to actually get enough of them, or where to look. In this post, we are going to attempt to make this a little easier. We will focus on a few of the key things you can do to ensure that you are getting all the essential nutrients you need, as well as some key tips on where to find the most important ones.

Eat Locally

There are many benefits to eating locally-grown food. For one thing, your diet will have much less of an impact on the environment. But it is also better for you, healthier for you, and more likely to ensure that you are getting as many of the essential nutrients as possible. That’s because locally-grown food combined with multivitamins is going to be more fresh than food that has had to be transported to you, and fresher food is going to have more in the way of nutrients than older food. So, wherever possible, eat fresh food that is locally grown and not long picked.

Drink Juice

It can sometimes be challenging to get all the vegetables you need in your diet, even if you know what they are - and even if you actively enjoy the taste of them. If you are wondering what you can do to get more vegetables in your diet, one way is to juice them. You can do this with a range of veg, as well as lots of fruit of course, as it’s a wonderful way to really pack a lot of those vitamins into a small snack. You’ll want to keep your juice fresh in order to ensure the nutrient count is high, and it’s important to shake it up with a range of different items. But as long as you do that, one juice a day really does keep the doctor away.

In truth, you should aim to get all of the nutrients that you need, whether that's through diet alone or with the help of supplements (more on those shortly) from somewhere like Nature's Happiness, as they are all important for various reasons. But if you are finding it hard to do that, and you just want to know what the most important are, then there are certainly some that you might consider more basic or essential than others, and knowing what those are might help you to make some decisions later on with your diet..

Eat More Fish

Fish is a hugely important part of your diet, and yet it is often readily overlooked. There is certainly such a thing as eating too much fish, as that can lead to mercury poisoning, but that doesn’t mean you should avoid it altogether. In fact, it’s vital if you are going to get all the nutrients necessary - and especially so if you are a vegetarian or you generally avoid red meats. Fish contains iodine, potassium, magnesium, and provides important boosts to your vitamin D and protein stores. Eating fish twice a week should be sufficient, but any less than that can be a real problem.

Broad Eating

Overall, the best way to make sure that you are getting a wide variety of nutrients is to adopt a diet which is broad. In other words, you need to aim to eat a wide range of different types of food, as well as plenty of each kind. That means not only eating a lot of fruit and vegetables, but also legumes, nuts, seeds, grains, dairy, fats, meats, eggs and so on. This should be fairly elementary for most people, but it’s worth bearing in mind just in case you forget, as it is perfectly natural to do from time to time.

Are Some Nutrients More Important Than Others?

In truth, you should aim to get all of the nutrients that you need, as they are all important for various reasons. But if you are finding it hard to do that, and you just want to know what the most important are, then there are certainly some that you might consider more basic or essential than others, and knowing what those are might help you to make some decisions later on with your diet.

So, you should particularly make sure to get plenty of calcium, vitamins C and D, and vitamin B of all kinds. You should also ensure you are getting enough protein and magnesium and potassium. You can think of all that as your essential vitamin diet, and the basis of good health in so many ways.


Finally, a word on supplements. Many people find themselves wondering whether supplements are a good idea or not. It is always best to get your vitamins from food sources, but if you need to top up using supplements, then by all means do so - especially if you are a vegetarian or vegan, for instance, or if you live far from the equator and it is winter.

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