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Do Onions Cause Tummy Upset? Health Benefits of This Vegetable and More

It is undoubtedly a vegetable that has something of a mixed rep. 

The humble onion, whether red or white, has always been a subject of debate among people when it is added to bread, curries, or spaghetti. Some people flat-out refuse to consume it, fearing it will cause digestive issues. In contrast, others proclaim it is a superfood that can help reduce acne and other skin issues like eczema and heart issues and can even boost digestive health. 

So, what is the truth? Well, for some people, it may be the case that they do have a slight sensitivity to onions, but for many people (if you can handle the watery eyes when cutting and dicing), adding this rather tasty vegetable to your savory dishes can be an enjoyable way to improve your health. 

In this article, you will be walked through some of the core health benefits of onions, so read on to learn more and get some recipe ideas!

Heart Health

It's safe to say that in 2023, many people have diets and lifestyles that aren't exactly great for their heart health. 

Long working hours and being pumped up on stimulants like coffee have now become the norm for many, which has been linked to arrhythmias and, of course, stress all around. So, how can the humble onion help? Well, the research isn't airtight, and more is certainly needed, but studies have shown a link between consuming onion and better heart health. 

In 2015, a small study explored hypertension and heart health in people who were classed as overweight. They were given a daily dose of 162mg of onion extract, and it was found to reduce their blood pressure, which had obvious physical health benefits. Yet, this study has been critiqued as having a small sample size, as it was only 70 people who took part. However, the findings are intriguing and can be a good reason to stock up on dried minced onion! Another study that was conducted in 2014 found that females who were diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome who consumed 80-120g of red onions each day also had reduced cholesterol levels.

Now onto the science-y bit; why did the onion extract impact heart health in this group? Onions contain large amounts of quercetin, which is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. This compound has been found to lower cholesterol levels, as well as triglyceride levels, which have been linked to improved heart health. 


OK, so this may seem like that buzzword from the 90s that never went away, but antioxidants are compounds that reduce oxidation. Why is that important? Oxidation has been linked to issues in cell structure, which increase the likelihood of developing cancers and other issues that can be life-threatening, such as diabetes and heart disease. Yikes!

Do onions contain antioxidants? Yes, they do! Red onions, in particular, are exceedingly good at warding off cancer and other issues related to oxidation due to their color. The red pigment on the skin of the onion is full of anthocyanins, which have been linked to protecting cells against cancer and diabetes. All the more reason to add red onions to a salad or pasta dish over white ones!

Again, the research in this area is not exactly thorough. A large study in 2016 conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that men who consumed anthocyanins regularly had an almost 20% lowered risk of developing cancer, which was linked to the high level of antioxidants in their blood. 

Blood Sugar Regulation

As mentioned before, many people in 2023 have very high-sugar diets. When you are running to catch a train to work at 6 a.m., you may grab a cup of coffee on the way and add some sugar to it!

However, type 2 diabetes is an enormous health issue in 2023, as is prediabetes, and for many who have these diagnoses, this can lead to a lifetime on medication. That is not to say that consuming onions is a substitute for medication, but eating onions regularly can help to regulate blood sugar. Again, the evidence from clinical studies has been critiqued as being small, but the findings are interesting. A study in 2010 found that individuals who had a diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes who consumed 100g of raw red onion had lower fasting blood sugar levels than those who didn't. A similar study conducted in 2020 that was conducted on rats discovered that rats who ate dried onion powder had a lowered blood sugar level over an 8-week period. 

This regulation is believed to be linked to quercetin, a compound that is plentiful in onions, which interacts with cells in the liver, the small intestine, and the pancreas. 

Digestive Health

Do onions really cause an upset tummy?

Well, for some people, yes, they can, but the research indicates that daily consumption of onions can help keep fiber intake high and can also up the prebiotics in the gut. 

Indeed, it can be well worth ditching those high-priced yogurt drinks for optimum gut health and focusing on eating some raw onion daily!

Onions are high in anti-inflammatory compounds, which can help keep the gut's inner lining inflammation-free. This can help with regular digestion and can also reduce incidents of inflammatory bowel. Onions are also chock full of probiotics like lactobacillus, which has been found to improve digestive health.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to consuming onions or adding them to your diet, it can be easy to overdo it, which is not ideal if you have a sensitive tummy! So, aim to fry the diced or thickly cut onion when adding it to sandwiches, spaghetti, or other dishes like burgers. If you are looking to add onion to a salad, aim for red onions, as they pack the most flavor and, best of all, they can be eaten raw. Then, sit back and feel your health get a kick without the price tag of other health foods.

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