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Discomfort After Eating? Here's How to Stop It

Eating should make you feel good. At the very least, it should leave you feeling satisfied and no longer hungry. However, if you find that eating often leaves you feeling uncomfortable, there is probably something wrong. There could be a problem with how your body is reacting to food, or there might be an issue with how or what you are eating. When you find that you feel uncomfortable after eating more often than not, you need to work out why it's happening and make some changes. This can involve a bit of trial and error but might allow you to feel better after meals.

Control Your Portions

One reason you might feel discomfort after eating is that you're eating too much. It's easier to eat too much on occasion, and many of us do it sometimes, often on purpose. However, if you're eating too much all the time, you might not recognize that you're overeating. You're used to eating until you feel full, or perhaps you eat so quickly that you don't realize how full you are until your meal is finished. Good portion control could be the key to relieving your digestive discomfort if it's something that you experience often.

Deal with Indigestion

Feeling uncomfortable after you've eaten could just mean being full and bloated. But you can also experience indigestion and heartburn, which are particularly unpleasant. There are many ways to deal with these problems, depending on how often you experience them. Using heartburn tablets and indigestion remedies can be helpful if you only get the problem occasionally. They deal with the overproduction of stomach acid so you can feel better. However, if it's a problem that you experience regularly, you may need to find more long-term solutions. Changes to your diet, for example, or even seeing your doctor can help you.

Adjust Your Diet

Changes to your diet might be necessary if you often feel uncomfortable after eating. It might not be how much you're eating but what you're eating. There are lots of foods that might irritate your stomach. While some foods more commonly cause problems than others, everyone can find that different things cause problems for them. If you're not sure what might be upsetting your digestive system, eliminating different things from your diet to see if it makes a difference will help you to find out what the cause could be.

Practice Mindful Eating

Eating too quickly is another reason you might find that you're uncomfortable after you've eaten. If you eat too fast, you might not be giving your body time to digest your food. In fact, you might be finishing your meal before your body even has time to tell you that you've had enough to eat. This could mean that you're overeating, making you feel uncomfortable. Mindful eating will help you to slow down and pay attention to your food, and it can lead to you enjoying it more too.

If you often feel uncomfortable after eating, find out what could be causing so that you can address the problem.

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