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Cross Country Travel: The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Buses

Cross-country travel is often a necessity. However, choosing how you are going to travel can be a difficult choice to make. There are several options to consider. You could choose to fly or to go by rail; you could even choose to drive yourself. However, one of the most overlooked options is the bus. It does have a lot of merits to recommend it, although, of course, there are also drawbacks too. Read on to learn more. 

The Pros

There are several advantages when it comes to travelling by bus. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, it is far more accessible. A bus ticket is often the cheapest option for most travelers. Depending on where you are going, there is also always likely to be a bus service. Some buses are able to make it to locations which simply do not have a local airport or railway station. 

Bus services also tend to be more regular than trains or railways. Buses usually leave hourly, if not more frequently. Again, this will depend on where you are travelling to. Buses are also often a great option for those that get travel sick. With planes, there is the chance of turbulence; with trains, some of the tracks are older, which can make for a bumpy ride. Cars are obviously smaller, which means they are impacted more heavily by the road conditions, whereas buses are bigger, which allows for a smoother ride. 

Depending on the route and the bus that you take, it may also be a quieter option. You don't have the same sound from the engines as you do on a plane or from the tracks as you do when travelling by train. There is also often a higher availability of bus tickets too; you don't have to worry about them selling out as quickly as you would with trains or planes. Sites like Wanderu can help you to find cheap bus tickets and provide support when planning your journey. 

The Cons

Obviously, where there are pros, there are also cons. Travelling by bus can be more constricted, and you are less likely to have room to move about. For long distances, your bus will likely have a bathroom on board, or it will make regular pit stops to allow you to get off the bus and move around. Other than that, you are expected to be confined to your seat, which isn't necessarily the most comfortable of options. Bus seats are smaller, which also means there is not really an option to recline or get comfortable. If your bus journey is particularly long, then you are unlikely to have a restful night's sleep on the bus. 

The amenities on board are often also limited. Obviously, there is no food or beverage service; you only have what you have brought with you or what you can grab at a rest stop – if your bus makes regular stops. Bus routes are also not necessarily the most scenic of options either. They tend to stick to highways, so if you enjoy looking out while travelling, there might not be much to see. 

Finally, buses also tend to be less environmentally friendly, although they are not as bad as planes or travelling solo in a vehicle. Trains and sailboats are usually seen as the most environmentally friendly options. Buses are also subject to traffic conditions which can delay them or lengthen the journey. They do try to account for this in their schedules, but it isn't always possible. Travelling by bus might be the slowest option when it comes to travelling too, again because they have to deal with the traffic and frequent stops. Lastly, buses have similar luggage policies to airlines which can be constrictive. You are usually allowed one bag, which is stowed underneath the bus and one bag, which tends to be stowed under your seat on the bus. The policy is likely to vary a little between bus lines, so be sure to check them out. 

When Should You Travel By Bus?

There are several instances when travelling by bus is likely to be the best option. However, truthfully, it still does depend on you and your preferences. If you have a smaller budget for travel, or if you aren't particularly rushed in terms of reaching your destination, then bus travel is a great option. Obviously, you will need to consider your preferences to that end. A bus is a great choice, especially if you do not have your own mode of transport that you can use to make the journey.

Buses are great for longer journeys, but they tend to be favored for shorter journeys for the most part. They are a favorite among commuters, after all. Buses, and public transport in general, tends to be far better for the environment. You can also use a bus to facilitate your road trip fantasies too. Why not check out the bus route to discover whether or not there are any great destinations along the way that you can incorporate into your journey? There is nothing to stop you from taking breaks along the journey and hopping different buses, although you will need to plan ahead to do this because it is likely to require different bus tickets. 

To Sum Up

There are both pros and cons when it comes to choosing to travel by bus, which is something that you will need to bear in mind. It is definitely one of the cheaper options when it comes to travel. Buses also tend to run more regularly, which is beneficial, especially if you are struggling with scheduling conflicts. In addition to this, travelling by bus can also be more peaceful, because buses tend to be quieter too. However, there is also less room which can make long journeys uncomfortable, and there are fewer amenities on a bus too. It is up to you to weigh up the pros and cons.

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