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Could Now Be a Good Time to Move Overseas?

2020 was a difficult year that threw a spanner in many of our plans. It almost feels as though life has been put on hold since and many of us are growing bored. We don’t know how much longer this pandemic will go on and we’re looking to see whether there are ways that we can safely continue with what we’d planned before coronavirus and Covid-19 wrought havoc around the world. One thing that many of us have wanted to do for a while is buying property or moving overseas. But is now the time to do this? Let’s take a moment to consider whether it’s an option!

Potential Challenges

First, let’s consider the potential challenges of moving during the pandemic. Of course, there are going to be travel based hurdles that you need to take into consideration. When buying a property overseas, you’re going to want to see the property in person before committing to it. You will need to determine whether the country the property is based in has open borders and what restrictions are in place. These restrictions are there for a reason - to slow the spread of coronavirus - so you do need to respect them. But you may find that some countries are particularly strict and require two weeks’ hotel quarantine before entering the country freely. This can be costly - especially if you are heading back and forth viewing multiple properties. For these countries, it may be worth waiting until post pandemic to make the process smoother and safer.

Determining Where You Want to Buy

If you do go ahead with moving, you need to determine exactly where you want to buy. Moving right now can be a little less straightforward than before. If you move to a country that has the virus under control, this could be positive and see you lead a freer lifestyle closer to the future. If you’re moving somewhere where the pandemic is out of control, you may find yourself moving somewhere where you are restricted and limited in enjoying the local area. So, do your research. Considering bangkok condos for sale? Research how Bangkok is getting on. Want to move to Australia? Sure, there will be stricter restrictions on getting into the country, but you will be able to lead a more “normal” life once you’re there.

Is Right Now Necessary?

Some of us will have more time pressure on moving. Perhaps you’ve found a new job and have a set start date. This will give you incentive to move quickly. But if you are simply moving because you want to live somewhere new, it may be better to wait it out for now. This reduces international travel and helps governments everywhere to contain the virus more effectively.

Hopefully, some of the above information will help you when it comes to determining whether now is a good time to buy property or move overseas. Of course, the right answer will depend entirely on you and your individual circumstances!

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