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Common Issues You Might Experience During Pregnancy And How To Address Them

The time during pregnancy is supposed to be a blessed and exciting time in the lives of both the mother and her family, and thankfully medical technology now means that there are tons of options that we can all explore to ensure exactly that.

So we’re going to look at a few scenarios that you may be facing and what you can do to ensure that you have the most hassle-free pregnancy possible.


Without a doubt, the #1 issue that mothers-to-be face during pregnancy, is heartburn. Usually caused by hormonal and physical changes that your body undergoes during pregnancy, you’ll find that heartburn can occur at all times and as Murphy’s law would have it, also at the most inopportune moments.

Here’s the fix:

As always, the diet has a huge role to play in our overall healthcare, and pregnancy is no exception, so avoiding foods that upset your tummy is a good place to start and while you’re pregnant, paying attention to what your body does or how it reacts after eating certain foods will steer you in the right direction. 

Eating smaller but more frequent meals with lots of water in between is known to help. When sleeping, try to sleep “propped up” instead of flat and enjoy your last meal about three hours before you head off to bed.

Heartburn doesn’t usually cause bigger problems, but if you’re experiencing heartburn frequently and it’s causing you unreasonable discomfort or distress, discuss this with your doctor. Additionally, as your pregnancy progresses, it may be beneficial to get a 3d scan to monitor your baby’s development and ensure everything is progressing smoothly.


Another common symptom of pregnancy, most women report discomfort with ongoing constipation. This happens because hormonal changes in your body make digestion much slower and as your baby starts to grow there will ultimately be less space for your digestive system to work at its best. Indeed you need to support your body’s functions and this includes your immune system too.

Here’s the fix:

Include more fruit, whole grains, and vegetables into your diet and add foods that are rich in fiber to your diet too. Water is your friend so hydrate regularly with and between meals.

Don’t take any medications without talking to your doctor first when seeking relief, as some of these have been known to cause contractions.


Many women will experience all sorts of aches and pains during pregnancy including back pain. Often, this can be solved by visiting a chiropractor but it is important that you discuss all forms of treatment with your healthcare team. If you need a pregnancy chiropractor, ask your doctor for a referral to an experienced and suitably qualified chiro.

Chiropractic care in pregnancy is not usually recommended if you experience any of the following:

  • vaginal bleeding

  • placenta previa or placenta abruption

  • ectopic pregnancy

  • moderate to severe toxemia

There are so many wonderful things to look forward to during your pregnancy (OK, morning sickness isn’t one of them), but the important thing is that you remain as calm and comfortable as possible throughout the entire period, it is essential to have a pregnancy scan to confirm complications.

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