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Common Health Issues in Men and How to Deal With Them

Human beings are mostly similar, but there are significant differences between the genders. One of the significant differences is the health concerns that each gender deals with at various life stages.

There are health issues that affect women that do not affect men. Most of these health concerns pertain to the reproductive system of each gender.

However, some address other differences in physiology between men and women. The following are some of the common health issues in men and how to address them:

Influenza and Pneumonia

Influenza and pneumonia are diseases that affect any human at any stage of life. Men are more likely to perish as a result of influenza and pneumonia than women.

These two diseases affect the lungs and are primarily caused by exposure to cold. Men are particularly at risk from these two diseases because more men work outdoors than women.

The good news is that the diseases are easily preventable by wearing warm clothing to work. Men can also receive vaccination against the two diseases.

Liver Diseases

Your liver is responsible for ridding your body of the toxins found in your blood. It is one of the largest organs in the body, and unlike other organs, there is only one.

Many diseases can affect the liver, including cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, and liver cancer. Most of them can be addressed if they are diagnosed early enough.

Men consume more alcohol than women and consume more toxins in general. Alcohol is a toxin that is particularly damaging to the liver.

To avoid liver diseases, men simply have to consume fewer toxins than they currently do, especially alcohol. There are also cleanses or supplements that you can do and take to detoxify your liver and make it healthier. Liver supplements are used to help improve liver function by removing toxins from the body.

Diet Deficiencies

Men are also less likely to eat a healthy diet than women. One of the reasons is that most men still abide by traditional roles and believe women should cook.

Another reason is that most men have an inclination towards eating meat and avoiding vegetables. Men also consume minimal vitamins and minerals for a wide variety of reasons.

Such poor diet choices cause significant health risks, especially for your prostate. One way to address it is to consume supplements. Any vitamin or mineral deficiency will cause health problems, and some which are in a vast deficit can’t be easily recovered through diet, so adding e.g. iron or vitamin C tablets to your daily routine might be a good idea. However, there is no substitute for a nutritious and healthy diet.

Respiratory Diseases

Men are more prone to respiratory diseases than their female counterparts. A significant reason is that more men work in hazardous environments like factories where toxic fumes are abundant.

On the other hand, the most prevalent factor that causes respiratory diseases is smoking. Nicotine is addictive and extremely damaging to your respiratory system and health.

Lifestyle habits can help address most of the respiratory issues men have.  Working in a more conducive environment and wearing protective gear is also a good way of avoiding respiratory diseases in men.


The vast majority of injuries happen or are caused by men. A lot of them are attributed to the 'macho' masculinity culture perpetuated by the film industry.

Conversely, men are more likely to be engaged in vigorous activities such as playing sports, making them more prone to injuries. Men also work in more dangerous professions than women, generally speaking.

Injuries pose serious health concerns to men as they can damage the body for life. A fractured bone or a torn muscle is a health concern you cannot ignore. There is not much that can be done to avoid injuries, as most are accidents. However, more men could benefit from wearing protective gear when engaging in dangerous activities.

Mental Health Issues

The most severe health risks posed to men in the modern age are mental health issues. More men are affected by depression and anxiety than at any other period in human history. If this is your case, you may want to consult a doctor as you may be struggling with low testosterone.

Men are privier to mental health issues than women because they are less likely to speak out about it. It is often seen as a sign of masculinity to keep negative feelings bottled up, which leads men to have debilitating mental health disorders.

Suicide is the eighth leading cause of death in men, which shows just how vital a health concern mental health issues are.

Men suffer from a wide variety of health concerns that affect women less. The differences in physiology, occupation, and culture or contribute to their health issues.

The above are common concerns facing men, with some being easy to deal with, others will require a gargantuan effort. We all need to direct more attention to men's health concerns.

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