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Check Out Some Of The Most Beautiful Bedrooms Online

We spend approximately one-third of our lives in bed, making our bedroom a much frequented room in our homes. Due to the amount of time we spend in there, and not forgetting its purpose, it’s important that our bedroom is a place to relax in and escape the rigours of daily life. It’s not always about having the best furniture or technology, but it is about having a clean and tidy room, preferably one that is well ventilated and able to keep you warm during the colder months. If you’re thinking about redecorating or renovating your bedroom, this article will provide you with inspiration.


What’s one of the things you notice when you look online for decorative ideas? Nearly every room will be clutter-free. You’ll not see anything out of place. Everything that has a purpose has a place. So the first thing you need to do before you even begin to decorate your room is to declutter and organize your possessions. 

Once you know what possession you really need to have, you can then start looking at storage options. Clothes may require a wardrobe and chest of draws. Other possessions could go into matching storage boxes on a shelf. This is not only cheap and affordable to achieve, you can change the boxes quite easily and cost effectively. Plus, your possessions would be neatly put away. What’s more, you don’t have to go for the standard sizes, you can have smaller boxes on smaller shelves, which can be at any point on your wall - don’t restrict yourself to having shelves at your eye-line, especially if you don’t use the items in the storage boxes. 

If you’re able to purchase a divan that allows you to store items under it, you’ll be able to put your stuff away and not have items around your room. There are two options; one is an Ottoman bed. With this, you need to lift-up your mattress to store or retrieve items, and the other option is having drawers that are specifically made for under your bed. If you’re unable to afford either, you can purchase vacuum bags or storage boxes that can be placed under your bed, although they may be visible. 


Your bedroom is usually the place where you have to have a bed, so you can sleep - that’s the sole purpose of your room. Your bed has to have a good solid frame that can support the right mattress for your sleeping needs. Ideally, you have a regular bedtime routine to encourage a good night’s sleep, which includes a regular time to sleep and awaken. If you’re feeling groggy when you get up it could be because of too much sleep, as mentioned by, and another thing to consider is your bedroom furniture. You want it to match your decor and, if possible, match altogether. This way nothing looks out of place, which will add to the overall harmony and cohesiveness of your room. This doesn’t have to cost much - remember you can always upcycle. There are enough videos online to guide you through this process and at the end you have a piece of furniture that you’ve designed, uniquely created for your room. 


You have the main light in your bedroom, which is great for when you're tidying up or doing something that requires it being on, perhaps reading or working. However, it’s an idea to have a few lamps dotted around, maybe even fairy lights, for times when you need light, but want it to be a bit more subdued, or just want to create a relaxing atmosphere. 

If you have a bedtime routine, subdued lighting is good to get your mind focusing on it being night, which is harder to do if you keep your main light on. Fairy lights also add a nice touch when you just want a bit of light, rather than total darkness. You can also get some lamps that double up as charging ports, which is useful as it has two functions whilst saving space and unpleasant wiring.


How you decorate your room will depend upon your own individual style, what atmosphere you are planning to create and what you like. It’s very subjective and will depend on your likes and dislikes. However, there are some general rules, like avoiding bright colours that will only look brighter when you have your main light on, or when sunlight is brightly shining in from your windows. You also don’t want colours that are too dark because it’ll make your room appear smaller. Colours that generally encourage calm are naturally based, like stone, greys, or sand. 

Accessories can provide a splash of colour and can be changed to keep your room looking fresh and fashionable. Cushions can compliment curtains and/or blinds, duvets and rugs. A few pictures can also add an element of colour or design. If you don’t want chairs, think about using bean bags as a replacement. If your room is small, consider having a few mirrors strategically placed around your bedroom as they give the impression of having a larger room. 

If you’re going for a theme, you may want to consider what’s trending. Comfortable, casual and laid back is always a popular choice and is wide enough in scope for you to select what appeals to you. Art Deco is another popular choice, with clean lines and rich colours used to stand out amongst more calming colours, which can be a great focal point. However, if you want your bed to stand out, picking the colour of your headboard and then working around that is a good way to make it all about your bed, like in the above photo.

The beauty of being able to design your bedroom is that you’re designing for yourself. You don’t need to worry about what other people think because you’re the one primarily using it. It’s a room that can truly reflect your personality. However, this needs to be balanced with an atmosphere that enables you to unwind and rest, especially after a long day. The last thing you’ll want to do is come home to a room that’s full of clutter, so think about what you need in contrast to what you want, think about how to make the most of what you have and how to open up your space so that your bedroom truly is your sanctuary.

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