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Cardio Or Weightlifting? How To Know Which One Is The Ideal For You To Lose Fat

So, you have decided to hit the gym and burn some calories? First of all - that is always a good decision, as staying fit is highly connected with our overall health. If you want to lose weight and haven’t been in a gym for a while, the probability is high that you can get overwhelmed quite easily. This is absolutely understandable, as choosing a workout routine takes time, as well as trial and error in most cases. Well, if you want to avoid that lengthy trial period, you can always turn to something that you know is going to work well.

But, what is the best option for you if you want to lose weight? Most people turn to either cardio or weightlifting for this purpose. Well, it’s time to settle it once and for all - here, we are going to be talking about various aspects of cardio and weightlifting regarding weight loss. At the end of the article, we are going to have the verdict on the question in the title. Let’s get right into it!

Cardio - what you need to know

Cardio workouts give easily predictable weight loss results if you stick with them. Doing cardio is a safe bet if you want to make sure that your workouts lead to weight loss. It is quite versatile as well, considering how many different activities you can perform while still having a cardio workout.

As long as your heart rate and breathing are in the right zone and you’re keeping it there, it doesn’t matter whether you’re doing Zumba, playing basketball, or doing something else. It is important though, as you are probably engaging in an activity that requires movement, that you make sure that you’re being safe. One of the most common injuries is associated with ankles, so, as explained over at, opting for shoes with guards is a good way to boost safety. So, let’s get a bit more specific about how cardio works.

Cardio is actually a short-term solution

How cardio works is by burning calories as you work out, it is pretty simple. These workouts don’t boost your metabolism in any way, but while you’re working out, you can be sure to burn those calories. In fact, if you push yourself through a longer session, you can actually burn around 700 calories. Because one pound of fat is lost when you burn 3500 calories, all you have to do is the math. Keep track of your nutrition and keep doing cardio regularly, and as long as you’re doing so - you will lose weight for sure. Cardio might be a short-term solution, but it sure is efficient.

Weightlifting is a more long-term solution

Okay, now that we understand that cardio workout burns calories while you work out, let’s focus on the difference in that aspect with weight lifting. Firstly, studies show that if you have an efficient weightlifting workout, your metabolism is going to be boosted for around 38 hours after your workout is done. This means that not only will you burn calories while exercising, but while sitting on the couch afterward.

Secondly, there is also a long-term aspect to losing weight by weightlifting, and this is due to the effect of muscles on your metabolism. The more muscle and the less body fat you have, the better is your basal metabolic rate going to be. And a good thing is that once you build up muscles, they are pretty stable as time goes on. This means that this positive effect of having more muscles is going to play a part in your weight loss journey for a long time!

In the end, the answer to the question of what type of workout is best for weight loss is indeed quite complex. While cardio is mostly associated with weight loss, it is a more short-term solution, as we’ve been already talking about in the text. That doesn’t deny its efficiency, but if you want to boost the entire process - that’s where weightlifting comes into play. With its more long-term effect, it is a great addition to your workout routine.

In the beginning, we’ve said that we’ll have the verdict at the end of the article, so - here it is. If you want to make your weight-loss journey as efficient as you possibly can, it would be best that you turn to both cardio and weightlifting combined. Implementing different workouts will include more benefits, hence allowing you to reap all the good stuff that you’re looking for in a workout. So - don’t be afraid to dabble in different exercises, as it is a great way to get the best of both worlds. Good luck, and enjoy your weight loss journey!

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