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Building the Full Package! The Real Essentials To Recover From Workouts

Even if you don’t have an Instagram worthy body just yet, it doesn't mean you are not making significant progress in your workouts. It's so important to remember that building muscle and strength is not about exercising, but it's about recovery. Recovering from workouts properly is something that we all need to learn how to do. Ultimately, your efforts in the gym won't mean a thing if you don't give your body the chance to recover. You could pump as much as possible, but you've got to give your body the proper recovery. So what are the most important things you should consider? 

Preparing Your Nutrition

Proper recovery doesn't happen just after a workout, but it can take days or even weeks depending on your body composition. This is why it's so important to prepare your nutrition but in combination with the right supplements. We all know the importance of having enough protein, but if we are struggling to trigger our anabolic responses, we've got to get into the mindset that nutrition is 80% of our complete recovery. This means you shouldn't neglect your carbohydrates, but also find the best supplements to improve your stamina. One of the big mistakes we all make is going back to the gym too soon. And supplements like black deer antlers have a combination of Rhodiola and maca to help enhance your muscle strength and stamina, but you should not neglect your diet. 

Foam Rolling and Massage

Mobility is crucial after exercising, and if you struggle to get through a sticking point because you have a torn rotator cuff or a weak lower bank, you need to start foam rolling, because this will loosen up any muscle imbalances, but you can also flush out lactic acid from your muscles. If you want to go one step further, you can use a massage gun to dig deep into those microfibers. It's as good as having a sports massage! 

You Cannot Train Heavy All the Time!

You must remember that for muscle protein synthesis to occur, you've got to wait 48 hours after a workout. But if you think you can go back into the gym and train heavy, or even heavier, you are mistaken. It's important to take a one-week deload on a regular basis. This is where you have a week where you are only using 60% of your normal weight. They will help you to recover, and you will actually come back stronger!

Sleep and Water

They are very obvious, but crucial. You get sore because you have too much lactic acid build-up, and the best way to flush out any toxins from your muscles is by drinking enough water. 1% dehydration can result in a 10% reduction in strength! But also, think about your sleep, especially in relation to your stress. If you can get in a 15-minute nap during the day as well as a full night's sleep, this is going to repair your body better. But also think about the stress in your life. If there's a lot going on, are you going to be able to rest, and therefore recover properly? 

These are simple things, but they are so crucial to building up that proper package.

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