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Best Ways Help and Prevent Harm to Marine Life and Ecosystems

Marine life may seem far removed from life on land, but the ecosystems are intertwined in more ways than you might think. Over half of the global population depends on marine life and coastal biodiversity as part of the economy. We use over 18,000 natural products that come from the oceans. The oceans absorb much of the thermal energy that is trapped by greenhouse gases. The oceans are a nursery for thousands of species. The water acts as a natural buffer for many types of storms. Without the oceans and marine life, humans probably wouldn’t have survived. How can we protect the ocean?

Educate Yourself

Learn more about the benefits of coral reef ecosystems and why we need to keep the oceans clean. A little understanding of how your actions impact the marine ecosystems goes a long way. Making little steps toward being more responsible toward the planet changes the world.  

Avoid Products That Harm Ocean Life

Plastics, cigarettes, straws, and glass bottles pollute the ocean. Sunscreen is another seemingly harmless product that can harm the ocean. The chemicals can damage coral reefs. Look for a reef-safe sunscreen or use clothing with SPF. Learn more about what types of products have an impact on the oceans and find alternatives.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Climate change is affecting the oceans in dramatic ways. Reducing your reliance on the earth’s natural resources can make a big difference. Find ways to drive less. Make a conscious effort to use less electricity and gas in your home.

Choose Sustainable Products

Many types of seafood that we depend on for food are in critical condition, some almost on the border of extinction. Choose seafood that is caught or farmed under sustainable conditions. When shopping for produce, look for organic and local products that are farmed to prevent damage to the earth.

Clean Up the Beach

When you go to the ocean, make sure to clean up after yourself. Don’t leave anything at the beach except footprints. Help out by picking up trash that someone else left behind. Take a day and work with an organization that picks up trash.

Vacation Responsibly

When you get some free time to enjoy the water, choose eco-friendly options. Paddling and kayaking may not use any natural resources, so they can be great ways to explore the oceans and rivers, but you also need to take care not to disrupt marine life. Enjoy a long beach whale watching tour on boats that are eco-conscious.

Advocate For Change

Your family can make changes to your life, but it’s going to take everyone making small changes to really make a difference. As you do your part, support others who are doing their part. Eat out at restaurants that offer sustainable seafood. Support legislation that protects the ocean. Talk to your friends about making changes to their own practices.

A sailing experience that takes you into the ocean and away from land can help you see the bigger picture. Book your tour for San Diego’s best sailing experience that is eco-friendly.

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