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Are You Ready to Age in Place?

The older you get, the more you start to think about your health. The natural process of aging means that you will start to lose functionality in different parts of your body. Muscles and bones are growing weaker and your organs are not operating as efficiently as they used to. Add to that the fact that your mind may be suffering as well and you are facing a lot of questions.

Aging in place is a growing trend among elderly individuals who are trying to determine how they will spend their twilight years. Instead of moving into a long-term care facility or elderly community, you are choosing to stay in your home for as long as possible. This opportunity is not available for everyone, but modern medical technology and smart homes make it a desirable solution for many.

Whether or not you are ready to age in place depends on several factors. Here is what you need to know before deciding to pursue this route. 

Can You Maintain Your Health?

The biggest obstacle to whether you can age in place successfully is your health. The older you are, the more at risk you are of experiencing medical difficulties or loss of functionality that would require care from someone else. If your home can foster a healthy lifestyle, then you will have a better chance of staying in your home. 

Simple steps that you can take are eating healthier, taking regular walks in your neighborhood, and taking advantage of telemedicine. This new development allows people to engage with medical professionals remotely to address questions or concerns they have about their health. If your home can help sustain your health, then aging in place could work for you.

Is Your Home Designed for Safety?

Your house needs to be a safe space for you to navigate as you get older if you want to age in place successfully. For this reason, you may have to make some changes to the home to prepare it for your changing needs. Bathrooms are particularly dangerous for elderly individuals, so installing a walk-in tub with a door, anti-slip flooring, and a handlebar near the toilet would be wise. 

Stairs are also a problem area for those whose bones and muscles are weakening. It is one of the most common causes of dangerous fall accidents, and since your body is more vulnerable to injury, a change needs to be made. You could add a chair lift or opt for a residential elevator installation

Another change that could help is widening some of your doorways in case a wheelchair or walker is ever needed to move around the house. If you make these upgrades, your house will be a safer place to grow old. 

Have You Invested in Helpful Technology?

The reason that aging in place is possible is because of advancements in the medical field and smart home technology. It makes accessibility a priority, as well as fast communication in the event of a medical emergency. Medical alert bracelets or other wearable devices can notify emergency services or a healthcare professional if an accident occurs, or allow you to quickly press a button and notify someone who can help. 

Smart technologies support aging in place as well. A hub such as the Amazon Echo allows you to use voice commands to set reminders for yourself about appointments or taking medication at the appropriate time. Smart lighting fixtures also allow you to control the lights in your home with sensors or voice commands. Security systems with smart locks and doorbell cameras can help you feel safer in your home as well.

By investing in new technologies that support aging in place, you are creating an environment where you can thrive as you get older.

Do You Have Emotional Support?

One of the advantages of a long-term care facility or retirement community is a social calendar. Elderly individuals are particularly vulnerable to experiencing loneliness, and aging in place makes this a possibility. If you are electing to stay at home, then you will need emotional support from family and friends who can visit and communicate with you regularly. As humans, we crave that interaction and having people around who love and care for you will do wonders for your mental and emotional health as you age.

Preparing is Half the Battle

If you can implement these solutions before your needs start to shift, then you are already halfway there. The more prepared you, your home, and your family members are for this process, the more positive your experience will be. Consider what changes must be made to be ready to age in place and have a plan ready so that you can transition smoothly and remain comfortable the older you get.

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