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8 Food Options to order at a restaurant when you're on a diet

Photo by Odiseo Castrejon on Unsplash 

For most people, dining out is a pleasure that is typically unencumbered by restraint or calorie counting. We eat what we want, and as much as we want. Of course, that changes completely once you realize that you need to get onto a healthy diet, whether it’s to manage your weight or keep a chronic health condition in check. 

This transition to healthy eating and moderating portion sizes can be challenging in itself, so it’s understandable why most people who have been on a diet for a while are reluctant to eat out. Having to eat at a restaurant can cause considerable anxiety as you must figure out how to enjoy a meal with friends or co-workers without completely sabotaging your diet.

This may seem impossible, but it’s not. Planning ahead will make it a lot easier. For example, check the restaurant’s menu and narrow down your options in advance to avoid impulse orders, curb your cravings with a high-fiber snack or psyllium husk supplement so that you don’t overeat, and start taking probiotics to support weight loss and digestion right away. 

In addition, stay well-hydrated at all times because we often confuse thirst with hunger, leading to unhealthy food choices and overeating. To help you get started, check out these diet-friendly foods that you will find on almost any restaurant menu.

The Best Restaurant Food Options for Dieters

1. Grilled Fish

Fatty fish like tuna and salmon are regarded as some of the healthiest foods, giving you a good amount of high-quality protein, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. Grilling is a healthier preparation style as compared to frying and it also adds a unique flavor, so you’ll be able to savor your meal while getting plenty of health benefits and limiting your caloric intake. 

Fish oils are known to offer cardioprotective benefits and their protein content will also keep you satiated for longer.

2. Roast Chicken or Turkey

If you’re not big on fish or the restaurant you visit doesn’t specialize in seafood, your best choice would be to order a dish with lean meats like chicken or turkey. Red meats such as beef and pork are high in saturated fats, which are not just bad if you’re watching your weight, but they also increase the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease. 

Roasted chicken and turkey are delicious and healthier alternatives, providing you with a good amount of high-quality protein. Roasted, steamed, or grilled dishes are a healthier alternative to fried chicken or turkey.

3. Poached or Boiled Eggs

Contrary to popular belief, eggs are extremely healthy and nutritionally dense, giving you a good amount of protein, and vitamins A, D, and B12. Eggs are also a good source of choline, which is essential for healthy metabolism. 

As with any food, preparation or cooking style can make all the difference, so try to order poached eggs, boiled eggs, or omlettes (without cheese) if you want to eat healthy. If you’re looking for something particularly savory you can also consider Eggs Diablo.

4. Baked or Mashed Potato

Photo by Matthew Moloney on Unsplash

Potatoes may have a bad rap among weight-watchers and dieters, but they aren’t really unhealthy or particularly high in calories. They’re only a problem when consumed as deep fried or ultra-processed snacks such as French fries or potato wafers. 

Baked potato or mashed potato, on the other hand, are good diet-friendly foods that you will be able to order at almost any restaurant. When prepared without oil, potatoes are quite low in calories, so they’ll keep you satisfied but will allow you to enjoy your meal.

5. Hummus Platter

Hummus is a very versatile food that can be had with any meal, even going well as a side snack that will fill you up so that you don’t overindulge on the main course. Made from chickpeas, hummus is highly nutritious containing a good amount of plant-based protein as well as fiber, which means you’ll be satisfied for longer. Not to mention that hummus tastes great and goes well with both veggies and meats.

6. Green Salads with Vinaigrette Dressing

Salads are an obvious diet-friendly choice in any restaurant menu, but it’s important that you stick to green salads that are dressed with a vinaigrette or olive oil, rather than creamy sauces or mayo that contain corn syrup, sugar, and other ingredients that are high in calories and low in nutrition. The wider the variety of veggies in the salad, the better, as this will ensure you get plenty of balanced nutrition. Veggie salads are also high in fiber and contain complex carbs that are slow-digesting, so you’ll be satiated for longer.

7. Broths & Soups

Broths and soups may not sound particularly appetizing but there are plenty of options to choose from, with many regarded as delicacies. Dishes like turkey dumpling soup, lemon coriander soup, and leek & butter bean soup taste delicious and are a great way to begin any meal. The high fluid content of soups helps to curb your appetite so that it’s easier to maintain portion control through the rest of your meal. Just make sure to avoid creamy soups as they are usually high in saturated fats.

8. Fruit Plate

Despite what Instagram health ‘experts’ might say about fruit sugars, fruits are exceedingly healthy and an important part of any diet. While it’s true that fruits contain sugars, natural sugars are not the same as processed sugars, so they’re not bad for you. Moreover, fruits are rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins, and a variety of antioxidants that you won’t find in other foods. A mixed fruit plate is the perfect way to end your meal, also serving as a healthy dessert alternative that satiates your taste buds without packing on the pounds. 

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