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8 Cooking Tips for Beginners

Are you tired of eating take-out and constantly taking part in battle Grubhub vs. DoorDash? Perhaps you want to find a new hobby and think that cooking can play that role for you. No matter what reason you have for starting to learn cooking, it is an excellent idea.

Cooking your own food is a practice that can give you a lot of joy. It might even make you a better person, as it teaches patience and can help you develop your planning skills.

If you are searching for something that could help you take the first few steps in the cooking world, look no further. Here are a few tips and tricks every amateur chef should know about:

You Don’t Have to Pay Attention to the Clock

There is a common myth that says that you need to follow the cooking time strictly. If you are making a beef stew, for example, you should leave it in the oven for two hours and 15 minutes. This is absolutely not true.

The only reason why many people think this way is that they want their food to turn out perfectly. But even if your meat is a little undercooked or overcooked, it doesn’t mean that it will be inedible. In addition, “overly cooked” doesn’t always mean “dry.”

The best way to make sure that your dish is cooked in the right way is to taste it! It might also help if you have an instant-read thermometer. It will tell you the temperature of the food inside, so you don’t have to use your tongue at all.

The Knife Has Two Sides

You always hear about how you should sharpen your knife before using it. We all know that there are two sides on a knife — one is sharp, and one is blunt. But do you know when to use each side?

The sharp side of the knife is used for cutting meat or fish. The dull side of the knife is used for chopping fruits and vegetables. This is why some recipes require you to prepare two dishes: one with the skin and one without it. Without peel, you can use the dull side of the knife and vice versa.

Know Your Ingredients

At first glance, this might seem like a simple tip. However, many people don’t actually know what each ingredient is. For example, potatoes — it might seem like such a simple ingredient, but there are different types of potatoes! Some are waxy, and some are floury. These are two different types of potatoes, so use them accordingly.

If you want to get better at cooking, it is crucial that you understand your ingredients. Take a look at them and learn about their properties. In this way, you can make the most out of them while avoiding any mistakes.

Don’t Be Afraid of Salting Meat Before Cooking It

People often say that meat should never be salted before cooking it. They believe that salt draws moisture out of the meat, which makes it dry. What they don’t realize is that there are two kinds of salt: kosher salt and table salt. Kosher salt has a coarser grain, so it tends to stick better onto the meat and is less likely to fall off during cooking than table salt would. This means that there is less chance for it to draw moisture out of the meat, and the fact that it will require less salt to get the desired flavor.

Use Your Freezer Wisely

One very important thing to remember when cooking is to thaw your ingredients in advance. That way, they can be ready for you whenever you need them and won’t take too much time to cook once they are thawed. For instance, make sure that you know the time needed to defrost turkey so you don't delay dinner waiting for it. Of course, there might be times when you need ingredients that you don’t have at home (like butter). In such cases, you should go ahead and freeze them instead of buying them at full price. However, if you find yourself with tons of frozen ingredients from previous recipes, try using them in new recipes! You can make many different meals with just a few simple ingredients if you are creative enough.

Save Money on Meats with Product Codes

Many people are turned off by buying meat because it can get expensive very quickly. However, this doesn’t necessarily have to be the case if you know how to shop for meat properly. Most meats have product codes on them — especially chicken and beef — which tell you how much fat was trimmed off before packaging. The lower the number on the code, the more fat was left on the meat when it was packaged. The higher the number on the code, the less fat was left on the meat when it was packaged. So if you see a product code with a 1 or 4 on it, those meats are great options for you because they aren’t too expensive and contain a reasonable amount of fat. In contrast, 8 or 9 products usually contain quite a bit of fat and can be very pricey because of that reason. But if you eat something like ground beef or chicken breast without any fat in it at all, then what exactly are you eating?

Soften Unripe Bananas Quickly

This is one of the most common cooking mistakes. Many people simply throw unripe bananas away. However, all you need to do is place the bananas in a brown paper bag for a day or two, and they will be ripe and ready to eat. If you have some bananas that are already ripe, don’t just let them go to waste! Cut them into pieces and put them in a freezer bag until you want to use them. This way, you can use them whenever you want to make banana bread or banana smoothies.

Know the Difference Between Pinch and Dash

This might seem like an obvious tip, but many people use the wrong measures when adding spices or seasoning. When you hear someone say “a pinch” of something, it should be measured on your fingertips. A pinch is about the amount of spice that’s left on your fingertips when you close your hand after sprinkling it onto food. On the other hand, if someone says “a dash” of something, it should be measured using a spoon or measuring cup. A dash is about half a teaspoon of spice or seasoning. You might think that it is so tiny that it doesn’t matter, but it does! A small difference like that can make a big impact on the taste of your food.

Final Thoughts

If you want to save some money, cutting down your expenses on takeout food is a great solution. However, it’s understandable why you’ve developed this habit in the first place - the lack of time and skills are the most common reasons. Luckily for you, cooking is easy, and even as a beginner, you can quickly learn how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals.

This list is, by no means, exhaustive, but it’s enough to get you started! Don’t be afraid to experiment in the kitchen and go out of your comfort zone. Anyone can become a great home cook, and there’s nothing wrong with not knowing a couple of things as you start your cooking adventure. Keep trying and perfecting your skills. You can even develop a passion for cooking in time, and everyone would love to try your dishes!

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